Just a guy, bout to get my PhD in experimental particle physics. I like hockey, basketball, DND, science, and audio equipment.
Go Nuggets! Go Avs!
Just noticed that you chose the nicest kernel size. Even better.
Ah, you’re right, I haven’t taken Stat. Mech. in almost 5 years so my brain just latched on to the general form. Analysis in frequency space is always fun
Another nice way one could preserve the complex data when visualizing it would be to make a 3d color mesh and display the imaginary components as the height in z and the real component as the color scale (or vice-versa).
Edit* now I am trying to think if there would be a clever way to show the abs, Re and Im values in one 3d plot, but drawing a blank. Maybe tie Im to the alpha value to make the transparency change as the imaginary component goes up and down? It would just require mapping the set of all numbers from -inf:inf to 0:1, which is doable in a 1-1 transformation iirc since they both have cardinality C. I think it would be
alpha = 1 - 1/(1-e^{Im(z)})
Which looks a lot like the equation for Bose-Einstein statistics in Stat. Mech. I was never very good at complex analysis or group theory though, so I don’t really know what to make of that.
Apply a nice gaussian kernel convolution to the fft and smooth that doodle out! Lets get blurry up in this doodle party!
Joke answer: I am a young burnt out academic who is putting off writing his PhD thesis, so I fit right in the sweet spot for this sorta thing.
Real answer: I learned to do this as I was doing this. I had a solid idea of what I wanted and just started going through the LaTeX documentation to find the things I would need. Really it is just three new tricks I had to learn:
Everything else was just formatting. I was inspired by this template that showed that LaTeX would be good for dnd stuff.
If you get a chance, let me know how it goes! So far I am the only person to use it (and I might not be an impartial judge) so I would really like honest feedback! It should require only a little aptitude for markup languages to get a grip on it, but re: my other comment in this thread, using an ai to read the template files and format your item description to match has already proven quite successful.
Regarding not being familiar with LaTeX, I have already successfully used this template alongside chatGPT to convert items from a block of poorly formatted text to a finished card in just a few minutes. All you have to do is feed chatGPT the item’s description and the contents of the TeX files contained in the package (itemcard.tex, itemCommands.tex, tcolorboxSettings.tex) and it will do a pretty bang up job of formatting your item to match the template.
It sucks and makes dealing ith the illness so much worse. Ironically, stress is a trigger for Crohns/UC and the stress of dealing with this has been responsible for multiple flareups of mine. Luckily, a lifeline might be on the horizon for autoimmune disorders like Crohns, Celiacs, and MS
A new (anti?)vaccine is being tested that can rewrite the immune system to take the body’s normal, healthy cells off its kill list. Fingers crossed that before I turn 35 I can just be done with this horseshit before it causes any lasting damage to my insides
I got my Crohn’s diagnosis about 3 years ago. While it has been worth it, the amount I have spent on medication, procedures, doctor’s visits, etc has kept my credit card near its limit for years and is a constant source of anxiety. This is with decent insurance. I have a job that is flexible with hours, but between flare ups and infusions, I have to miss work semifrequently and someone not in my position could be in a very tenuous state with their employer. Not to mention the stress of fighting the insurance for coverage of medications that are thousands of dollars per dose and dealing with systemic incompetence of the people involved in every stage of the process. They all fail (doctor’s office, infusion clinic, insurance, etc) to communicate in anything resembling a timely manner without my constant pestering and prodding. It is torturous, and only marginally better than the symptoms themself, and I understand exactly why people forego treatment if they have deal with any one of these issues individually, let alone with all of them. Just so BCBS/UHC/etc can turn a profit off our suffering.
The one hard drive that doesn’t work just sitting there is a true testamnet to my false hope. I swapped my psu a year ago and accidentally fried my 2tb hard drive. I got a new rig this summer and still transferred it over and plugged it in with the hope that it would resume life, only for it to be truly dead. It is still sitting in the new rig lol, couldn’t be bothered to remove it after testing.
The Mattel Cinematic Universe is the true MCU
If they didn’t want us to enjoy smelling it, they wouldn’t make it from aromatic compounds.
A true Sapphic Barbie Utopia is too powerful for normies to gel with
No problem, sorry if that came off as snippy. it is something I actually still feel some latent guilt(?)/regret about since it was technically my fault that my parents had to lose one of their pets (I know it is illogical and I don’t actively blame myself, this happened 24 years ago and I was a literal toddler).
The memory sucks, not gonna lie, but I luckily don’t remember the pain aspect. it had the positive effect of making me a staunch proponent for the well being of animals, even those perceived as dangerous. If it could happen with our sweet dog that had never shown any signs of aggression, I think we owe it to these creatures that rely on us to show them compasion.
I agree completely that it is never the dog’s fault, and irresponsible dog ownership hurts the dog as much as those put at risk by the owner’s carelessness.
It was one of our family dogs, and we all loved her dearly. I was playing on the couch and fell off, landing on her tail and hurting her. She instictually snapped and it resulted in, unfortunately, the worst possible outcome (it is shitty, but it is one of my first well formed memories). Despite it being a freak one off, my parents couldn’t feel safe given what happened and rehomed her to a family friend who didn’t have children. She lived a long happy life and my dad still got to see her regularly, as he was heartbroken that he had to make this choice. I personally don’t think my parents letting their kid play around the family dog, one that they had since before I was born, should have their faces readjusted.
Someone who understands. I have never seen a recipe call for x cloves that wasn’t infinitely better with 5x cloves.