Check out the song covers made with moonbase, they are great
This would been great as a Cruelty Squad death screen.
Link severed, technology connected You are a flesh automaton controlled by the internet algorithms.
me reading it: oh its not that bad
!chapter 5 oh, he woke up gently… big mistake!<
The Council will decide your fate
So wake up, wake up and sell the freeeshness
Coming across ich iel while browsing, with my basic understanding of german: Weißt du, ich bin ein Wissenshafter mich.
Video game christmas song are bangers, don’t know why.
Killing floor 2 has a really good metal/synthetic cover for carol of the bells
Payday 2 had a joke xmass album,the whole thing is great but this one is my favorite one.
In the Us its something like 80% while the average is under 20%
Glitch production with 50000 plushies behind them: “Yeah sure buddy”
jk, they make great stuff, I hope they continue making animations
There are 10 times more daily players in pd2 than in pd3, so the servers arent overstressed anymore. (Also means players don’t want to play pd3 even when it works)
When the wind is slow And the fire’s hot The Osha worker waits to see what rots
Oh, how pretty All the violations This is workplace’s sacrifice
When the air blows trough And a scaffolding falls The workers foot broke from the fall
When the shift ends We will not forget the Red Sun over paradise
-when you have Sundowner as a boss (probably)
Missile from Ghost tricks (hes a very tired and a very good boy)
Trying to get into a bdsm relationship with your childhood hero? ^^same ^^fr ^^fr
anyone born in the year 2000: I have no such weakness
Why does the cat have Charles’ headphones? What are they planning?