While you’re technically right, Gaddafi also kinda brought that on himself. He wasn’t just some low level peasant being sodomized with a pike for shits and giggles. He really really pissed some people off.
Dying from an infected cut must have been so romantical.
The origin of BBQ!
[Old French, barbe à cul (beard to ass) meaning impaled on a turnspit.]
So where does “roasted on a spit” come from?
– Hieronymus Bosch
Thy defense hath more holes than my mother’s swiss cheese!
I bet that guy didn’t even have to pay to get pegged with that dildo on a pool cue though
You may as well have shown a picture of people enjoying dating and music in the 60s.
I think some decades were much better than today for sure, at least in terms of enjoying life.
I would go to the 60s rather than go to the future if given the choice. I used to be the other way, looking forward to the future because cool tech etc. But not now.
As a woman who was a teenager in the 1960s, yeah no thanks. Once was enough. Good music but everything else was shite.
In what way? I would love to hear more about it, honestly. From my perspective it seems super relaxed and people were friendly and loving… But that’s just from watching TV shows about it. I’m born 1975…
it seems super relaxed and people were friendly and loving
Civil rights has entered the chat.
I sure wouldn’t want to be black or a woman in the 1960s.
In what way?
Idk something tells me being black or gay or a woman or an American or Vietnamese man from the ages 18-24 wouldn’t be too hot in the 60s but what do I know, we only have entirely unfettered access to historical documents from the time.
I don’t think this would be as good as you think, because we can’t “unknow” what we know today. The obvious one is giving up all the social progress we’ve made since then. Also, imagine knowing about climate change and being surrounded by people who either don’t know or are worried about it but don’t have the science we have today to understand the issue. All the nightmares we have today will still happen, but you’re trapped in the past knowing it all and not being able to do anything about it.
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Pretty sure they were living in interesting times in the 60’s, too.
You put it in a good way, yup. It feels like there is absolutely nothing to look forward to.
60s…? With the stinky self-righteous hippies and overblown music? I have it on good authority that the 70s were actually where it was at.
Overblown music? What in tarnation are you talking about? Some of the greatest songs ever written were recorded in that decade.
Okay Boomer.
It’s true that Jimi Hendrix can’t match up with the incredible music of Ed Sheeran, but he tried.
Well, if that’s your comparison, sure… Music changes, and musical tastes vary, so I’ll avoid trying to give examples or make comparisons, I just don’t think music of that era was particularly better than music since then. It’s a weird fluke of history that we developed decent recording and playback technology right as the 60s bands were coming up. That probably explains why it holds such a grip on culture. But personally I think there have been some incredible musicians since the 60s.
You called it overblown. Now you’re saying it’s just as good as what happened later. I think you need to make up your mind.
Actually I said sort of the opposite: what’s been done since then is just as good as what was done back then, which therefore is overblown by people who claim it’s somehow better. No contradiction.
I’m not a boomer, but nice try I guess.
Sorry, I’m just used to hearing how much better music used to be in the 60s from people my parents’ age.
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