A great example of why you should never trust any story from a single source. Traditional journalism ethics requires multiple independent sources. Modern organizations don’t give a shit about that anymore, it’s just about the clicks.
“There are three sides to every story: your side, my side, and the truth. And no one is lying.” - Robert Evans
Robert Evan’s quote needs to be updated as there are many people who are definitely lying.
Every account of past events is like looking out of a window at the world outside. Things that are nearby are clearly visible, things further away are hard to see in detail, some things are hidden behind others… and you probably can’t look at everything in view of your window all the time anyway.
The accounts might be misleading, not because the source has bad intentions, but because their perspective is limited by their time and place, and what they focus their view on.
well ahktually the cgi at the time is ppl handpaint reflections of the liquid metal for each frame in photoshop(wasn’t commercially available at that time), so its smooth surface has warmth of human craft!
OK, where is the twist here? Or is this stuff true? I dont know.
The twist is that it’s a shapeshifting killer robot from the movie Terminator 2, specifically a T-1000 sent back in time to kill the child in question. The biker, on the other hand is an older (non-shapeshifting) killer robot model also sent back in time (to protect the kid from the newer model).
Thanks for the explanation
You’re welcome :) Terminator 2 is an incredible action movie, one of the best I’ve ever seen. This scene alone right at the beginning will forever live rent-free in my mind. So yeah, if you like action movies, both it and Terminator 1 are great to watch.
I feel so vindicated that you were confused by this. I was worried that I might get hate for not going full kayfabe and making the title something like “Like and Share to support this hero!” but I was worried that somebody here might not have seen Terminator 2. I’m very glad I decided against that.
I heard the killer is an illegal immigrant!
ACAR (All Cops Are Robots)
Donate to the Skrule Net charity for T-officers of the thousandth company and minus eight 'o fourth. Teach the Dems a lesson about supporting authority and rule of law for this DEI victim of terrible policies!