That’s foul and revolting, I hope somebody does it.
I can pretty much guarantee if you looked hard you would find a video of this somewhere on the internet. Some shit on YouTube with like 12 views from 14 years ago.
You and me both
much more likely:
The Sink Chowder Challenge: How This Viral Trend is Endangering Your Kids, Tonight on Your Local News Channel.
There are videos of people vaping cum, I’m sure those same people would do this.
The reply I didn’t know I needed. If you see a vid before I do link me to that shit!
And I think that’s enough Lemmy for me today, thanks.
at the old dive bar i used to go to, at the end of the night, they’d clear your tab if you could finish a glass from the trough without throwing up.
this has a special wrenching in my stomach to think about
I have a pretty strong stomach and it takes a lot to get me to gag… you succeeded. Well done.
Louder with Sink Chowder
Change my mind
Hell yeah, I’m down. Honey, fetch the Boba tea straw!
Thanks, I hate it…
This is just foul…
I can smell the sponge in this picture.
People know they are allowed to throw out sponges and use new ones, right… RIGHT? I don’t use paper products except in the bathroom, so dish towels and cloth napkins. But I absolutely change out sponges. They go from sink, to bathroom to garage regularly. I say this as a microbiologist.
Am I the only one who is like super grossed out by this ??
n e p h e w
I’d rather die