If they can read the English of this era and cats are still around, yes they will. The expression is pretty universal as depicting satisfied smugness.
If you’re not a stoner and a fan of Adult Swim or an internet person: You wouldn’t get this meme right fucking now.
You have to have at least seen the clip from Tim & Eric: Awesome Show, Great Job to understand it and that is a pretty big ask for a super niche show that doesn’t have mainstream appeal. lol
If you wish to know more, search “Tim & Eric free real estate”
It’s free real estate.
(this message intended for jim bowie only)
I have no idea who the person is or what the context of the photo was, but just the cat + box part tells me all I need to know.
Holy shit yeah having context makes it way different
Ha, I only knew the whispered line, never saw the conplete sketch. Brilliant.
“I am not a bot, and this action was performed manually”
Thanks I try to remember but this one slipped by
We’re all better together
Good human.
The fact that the reply used “hieroglyphics” and cats have been pulling this shit longer ago than those were used as written language… And said poster’s argument was that “someday” that wouldn’t be the case?
Have they met a fucking cat?!
pretty sure it’s about the subtitles of the meme missing (it’s free real estate)
There’s gonna be that one academic weirdo in 1000 years who’s focus is “Memes and Internet History of the 21st Century”.
I’d bet money there are already
thesises(??)theses (thanks, atomicorange!) and dissertations on this.There’s def already stuff like interpreting use of emojis. For example sometimes you have text messages show up in a court case and there are people who can officially “interpret” what the emojis mean for the court.
At least some portion of that have to be grifters
An accurate statement to append to literally all human effort.
Theses is the plural of thesis. Kinda looks stupid out of context but there you go.
And the Ship of Theses is when you rewrite the seven parts of your dissertation so many times that you’re not sure if it’s even your original intent anymore
Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra
His memes spreading wide
Shaka, when the walls fell
Shakira, who’s hips spoke truth.
Shakira, her hips truthful*
Kelis, her frozen dairy drink desirable.
I guess that would make knowyourmeme the modern Rosetta Stone
If I become rich I will download the entirety of knowyourmeme and engrave it on a giant block of granite or carve it into the side of a mountain. Our descendants will thank me.
perhaps, but it will be indecipherable due to the 42gb of advertisements and pop-ups it loads.
ublock origin is going to be seen as a hero-like figure
It’s not already?
Or the death of the Internet when 100% of people use ad blockers.
Or maybe websites can go back to simple ads that just have a picture with a link. Modern advertising is about harvesting your data, which is why I use an ad blocker. They also use a ton of resources that slow down websites.