Cut your losses and get a new intern, it’s gonna take ten times longer to teach this kid to read than if you just do the project solo.
Cut your losses and get a new intern, it’s gonna take ten times longer to teach this kid to read than if you just do the project solo.
Which is wild because that’s like the least bad thing the Sodomites were up to (and Lot’s whole family was pretty fucked too). But people will latch onto the flimsiest justification that reinforces their beliefs, in this case “gay dudes are icky.”
That also isn’t the moral of that story, despite what they tell you in Sunday school. Onan was punished because he didn’t want to impregnate his brother’s widow, which would have legally given his late brother an heir rather than Onan inheriting the property. Look up “levirate marriage”.
Fresh-cut, single-cooked fries are the worst kind. Soft, greasy, unsatisfying.
No mental gymnastics because I don’t have orthorexia nervosa. There’s no guilt or shame. (None that aren’t universal to all consumption under capitalism, anyway)
I also eat cake, red meat, smoked meat, vegetables high in oxalates, various fried foods, and occasionally drink alcohol. Life should not be about eliminating every risky behavior, it should be about fulfillment and weighing risk against probability and payoff. We all die eventually and I want to eat tasty food before I get there.
Tons of people happily eat insects too. Chapulines are pretty good, escamoles are popular, silk worm is eaten in Korea and Thailand, there’s Witchetty grubs and honeypot ants…
Remember the bug planet, Vegeta?
It’s truly the most reddit of instances. And yet, here I am.
I suspect that Google Maps preemptively routes some percentage of drivers through alternate directions in order to ease congestion. (Because if Maps tells you that the obvious route will get you there in thirty minutes and it takes an hour then you’re going to be mad at Maps)
Regardless of their route choices, Maps is always solid with ETA for me and it has access to a ton of traffic data.
You can get good Texmex pretty much anywhere with with a hispanic population. Won’t be as cheap as the South but still. There’s a couple spots near me in the PNW that set up sketchy pop-ups on the sidewalk after dark but they got dope tacos al pastor and they are always busy.
Our whole-ass society is structured around Christian norms. Holidays, liquor laws, businesses closing on Sunday, loads of idioms and turns-of-phrase, it is pervasive and so normalized that any deviance is seen as shocking. (At least we aren’t one of the countries where heresy is still an actual crime)
Thay does nothing for the Ram 3500 behind me blasting pure sunlight into every mirror. Sucks for bikes amd pedestrians too.
People are just too afraid of the dark.
Most competitive shooters are using special equipment and he looks comparatively very casual.
Western Red Cedar looks like that.
An accurate statement to append to literally all human effort.
White Wolf isn’t better just because it’s smaller. And besides, we can branch out further. Burning Wheel, Lancer, Blades in the Dark, Monsters & Other Childish Things, The Quiet Year, Shadowrun…
150 years ago, sure. Coca-Cola has neither coca leaves nor kola nuts these days though, and modern cream soda in the US is a vanilla-flavored amber beverage.
A friend and I became unofficial TAs for a high school computers class when we defeated the remote-viewing software and any web blockers, we knew more than the poor teacher and it was easier to let us do what we wanted if we promised to help other kids do the actual lessons.
That network had terrible security. So many important files stored as unprotected text in the intranet.