personally I choose the middle left
… Is a symmetrical pair too much to ask for?
Furry it is then
These are Kingdom Hearts rules. You’re looking for Second Life.
/cries in D2 Hunter main
Vampire Trait: +2 healing per damage dealt
The legs of the first especially the knees look scarry thin.
It’s a shame I can’t pull off thigh highs, I could use that gaming bonus.
you can’t pull off thigh highs?
Nah. Masc. I do appreciate the hell out of them on others, though.
Who says you can’t?! Just get a pair and swang it!
Eh, I don’t particularly feel like my great big hairy legs would look good in them. I’m not really opposed either, though.
Pro tip: if you so choose, try an epilator over shaving. Avoids nicks on shins, ankles, and knee areas
Unsure as well, prob need pic to prove it 🥱😵😳😏🫣
What’s going on with two? Are there shirts at least? Is this belly, a fupa. Either way I guess I’m thicc
I think? going by the direction of the feet, it’s a view from behind of them walking away, and the top is butt, though the knees are throwing me off…
So, wait… Like do I just stay the way I am or would I become an actual anthropomorphic animal if I choose the far right? 🤔
please don’t become a furry who chooses the far right we have enough of those already
I mean… I already put on the leather. You know how hard this shit is to take off?
Did you cover yourself in animal skins? Are you a Selkie?
#2 is the clear choice here
I’ll go with #3 from the left.
I like the purple shoes.
I just want the strength and endurance stats.
Thick girls be based, coming with a gaming bonus!
I like the second one, but I’d want just the matching red stripey ones. I don’t like mismatched ones.
Can’t I just have the gaming and furry rolled into one?
I’d get the furry one so I can skip the step of both coming out as both trans and show everyone I’m a closet furry 😭
Oh, hell no.
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