Great, now you can sprinkle all that material on a sandwich and eat it as if feta cheese. Also I hope you get the job 🙏
I like what I like also hi 😀
Great, now you can sprinkle all that material on a sandwich and eat it as if feta cheese. Also I hope you get the job 🙏
Unfortunately have done this before with food when I had an addiction to ordering all my food through ubereats.
One day we can all have fun on Wayland I just hope it comes soon, also have a nice day too! ❤️
The house from the cat in the hat movie
Just a bitter old Nvidia user that can’t get wayland to run fine without an annoying amount of graphical issues :-(
Not very green of you Antartica tsk tsk
Maybe one of the best Disney films, maybe top ten perhaps
Done, I probably should have done this as soon as I posted but forgot. Sorry 😞
I’d get the furry one so I can skip the step of both coming out as both trans and show everyone I’m a closet furry 😭
It socks how a term once used to mean something good could be twisted into something so depressing and evil.
I want problems always wooow!