Is this an album cover? Cause this would go so unimaginably hard as an album cover
Unfathomably silly
Is this an album cover? Cause this would go so unimaginably hard as an album cover
Spamcakes, if you will
And they say white people have no culture 🙄
I’m straight up not reading all that
It’s just a meme
In the most basic terms, I’d say anarchists want no state whereas libertarians are okay with a little bit of state
Depends if you’re a libertarian or a “libertarian”
Most people who claim to be libertarian are just conservatives wearing a mask
True libertarians aren’t as prevalent, and often get confused with anarchists
Nope. Walk away.
Authoritarianism is authoritarianism. Doesnt matter how you paint it.
Always weird to see MAGAts on Lemmy…
Just do like I did and start having panic attacks after 2 hits
I don’t really see this as encouraging suicide. Drag explicitly stated that another option is preferable. Could’ve been worded better, sure, and it’s in very poor taste, but… I cant say I disagree…
Is nazis dying suddenly a bad thing now?
Interesting take. I haven’t seen any poor behavior from drag at any point and, unless I’ve missed something, drag seems to be a fine and well-contributing member of this community.
Grail, on the other hand, I have no doubt is a troll. Aside from their consistent behavior, they were heavily involved with mindtraveller (if anyone remembers them) who was also very clearly a troll. Granted, they may also just be heavily narcissistic. Regardless, I refuse to entertain claims of divinity. The assertion that someone must be referred to as a god/goddess/superior being of any form is an assault on my and others’ freedom of religion, spirituality, or lack thereof.
No individual is inherently above or below another, nor will I be intimidated into referring to them as such - be it by them, mods, or anyone else.
It’s really not. I got the same impression
All those sewage fumes really did a number on him
Once I finally get asked to bring a dish for a family get-together, it will take an unreasonable amount of willpower to not spike it with shrooms
Me every time I try to write a song