I’ll never understand all these people with such sensitive digestive systems that they can’t eat Taco Bell.
Grease + spices = increased bowel motility.
If you add to that conditions like IBS, IBD, Chrone’s, etc, you’ve got a recipe for blowouts.
Mind you, Taco Bell has nothing on places like chipotle with even higher spice levels. But it’s the grease that fucks with most people. Since there’s also far less in the way of soluble fiber and/or things that can hold onto the grease in the bowel, even someone without an unusual sensitive gut can have trouble if they aren’t used to it.
I’ve got terrible digestive problems myself and Taco Bell is something that doesn’t set me off, so I’ll never get it. It’s not spicy, it’s not super greasy… But I guess I tend to get the less un-food-like options (such as a regular bean burrito, which has nothing particularly bad in it unless you’re sensitive to beans).
Gotcha. Their standard ground beef is maybe a 3 or 4/10 on the grease scale, with the steak notching up to maybe a 7.
The spices aren’t so much hot, really. They don’t add much that carries a lot of capsaicin afaik. But they do use chili powder and cumin in there, both of which are hit-or-miss in terms of being IBS triggers. I can handle both fine, but I know folks that can’t. It’s the grease that gets me, because I can use similar spices at home with no issues.
Then again, not every store is the same grease level. The one in my town is greasy as hell, to the point that the wrappers around the tacos are falling apart sometimes. But the one in the nearest city is nowhere near as bad.
I don’t know about yours, but my digestive system isn’t a big fan of salmonella and e coli.
skill issue
Which are not common problems at Taco Bell.
Those two links are both to descriptions of major outbreaks originating at Taco Bell…
Two instances does not make something common.
Two major outbreaks are still two too many. Stop simping for a megacorp that doesn’t respect it’s employees or customers enough to pay enough to care about hygiene.
Stating factual information is not simping. Two outbreaks does not make it a common problem, no matter how you feel about the corporation.
They’re not isolated events unrelated to how they run things, though.
One might be a fluke, but two or more (and there’s probably more, those were just the first results of a couple quick searches) is indicative of a more systemic problem of Taco Bell not taking food hygiene seriously.
You can find the same problems with any fast food chain. And neither of those things affect your anus specifically, so they can’t be what OP is referring to.
Who keeps astro turfing Lemmy with Taco Bell? Seriously, stop it.
Imagine thinking taco bell is spicy. I’ve eaten curries hotter than Diablo sauce.
Just ask for no red sauce, this is Taco Bell 101
If you think Taco Bell red sauce is too much, you probably also think mayo is spicy.
Is that why this meme exists? I’ve never been sick from taco bell and it’s always seemed really well made. I’ve always wondered how everyone is collectively getting sick from Taco bell lmao
I’m pretty sure it is rooted in the stereotype that Mexican food gives people the shits, paired with fast food in general can fuck with people’s guts. Doesn’t help that taco bell actively goes out of their way to make unholy abominations… They’ve been the source of a couple food poisoning and salmonella outbreaks but that’s just a lettuce/produce thing iirc and hits a lot of places
Answer: not yet.
Yo, I got to ask. Why is the rock even cooking? How did this become his tagline? If his name was the cook or the chef or something, sure, but the rock?
Sometimes big burly men in spandex beating up each other aren’t logically consistent.
You’re not wrong, though…