“Man” also means “humankind”. In fact, it was originally a gender-neutral word.
“Man” also means “humankind”. In fact, it was originally a gender-neutral word.
They are different fruits in English.
As someone in the tech community who grows and uses yuzu, and who also subscribes to gardening communities, I’ll be kind of relieved to see the name only used for fruit again.
Cats do require some salt, much like people do. You just need to keep it limited.
I used to have a cat with pterodactyly and he would grab French fries in his little fist to eat them. That guy loved French fries.
It seems like you’re just refusing to acknowledge that you are frustrating medical staff by making your problem worse. Repeatedly.
Stating factual information is not simping. Two outbreaks does not make it a common problem, no matter how you feel about the corporation.
Two instances does not make something common.
Which are not common problems at Taco Bell.
I’ve got terrible digestive problems myself and Taco Bell is something that doesn’t set me off, so I’ll never get it. It’s not spicy, it’s not super greasy… But I guess I tend to get the less un-food-like options (such as a regular bean burrito, which has nothing particularly bad in it unless you’re sensitive to beans).
I’ll never understand all these people with such sensitive digestive systems that they can’t eat Taco Bell.
You had to be able to do so many crunches, pushups, etc, in a certain amount of time.
I highly doubt many are part of those groups.
I think this is the first real TIL for me in ages.
I’m sure you’re right.
I wonder how those laws handle disabled people who can’t shovel snow and don’t have someone to do it for them. Expect them to hire somebody to do it? The disabled are generally not well off financially, so that’s not really a solution.
They’re removing a bunch of features that nobody wanted.
I had problems with my Pixel 5 crashing all the damn time but haven’t had any issues with the 6 (or when I had the 4).