I don’t know like. Have you ever slept next to a woman? They generate about a Dyson spheres suns worth of heat.
Damn, you got that model, mine is just subzero temp freezer, but it balances out since Im practically a nuclear reactor of heat
It is useful in winter.
I’m normally cold except if I’ve had a late takeaway or a drink, then I turn in to a furnace 🤣
This clearly a lie. Their feet temperature are close to absolute zero
The duality of woman
Depends on the woman. My wife puts out more heat than a nuclear reactor.
That…that explains why they consider all environments to be immeasurably cold. If they’re radiating all that heat, any exterior environment seems like 0 degrees Kelvin.
But it’s in incomplete list. Without boobs, it isn’t a fair comparison.
Boobs are pretty neat
Dyson sphere has boobs
A trillion of an SI prefix will always be silly. Just use a bigger prefix!
While I agree, most people know tera- at this point. Most people probably do not know zetta- yet.
Most of us aren’t used to “terrawatts” though. Is that like one Earth worth of watts? One watt as measured on Earth? The definition of watt culturally accepted by Earthlings?
You wouldn’t find a terawatt in everyday usage, but a terawatt-hour is pretty commonplace when talking about the energy usage of entire populations.
This Reuters article states US power demand will climb to “4,027 billion kWh in 2022.” Yeah, just say 4 PWh. Or even 4,027 TWh. It’s a little more easily digested.
It’s already an incomprehensably high number. No matter which way you state it is going to fly over peoples heads.
And the entire electricity consumption of the planet is something like 25.5 petawatt-houts.
They say it like that because people are used to being billed in kWh so it gives them a reference.
I think theperson you’re replying to was making a joke off the misspelling of “terrawatts” in OP.
Oh that’s super interesting and I did not know that, but I was riffing off the double R in “terrawatt,” instead of “terawatt.”
Like “tera” describes an order of magnitude, but “terra” means “earth,” as in “terra firma,” “terra nova,” or “terran.”
So I guess you could say that 25.5 petawatt-hours = 25,500 terawatt-hours = 1 terrawatt-hour.
And how’re we supposed to learn when y’all keep dumbing shit down?
There’s another way a girlfriend is like a Dyson sphere. I don’t have a Dyson sphere.
The size of your mother. ✔️ ❌
how can women be expected to compete against the dyson sphere? it’s all over for us, smh 😔
Your gf doesn’t do that? Weird.
Is your girlfriend perchance a Dyson Sphere?
So you’re into power exchange relationships? sup?
I’ll take the sphere
Hold up! Isn’t a Dyson sphere pretty low maintenance once it’s built?
Yeah it’s a misconception, it’s the Dyson swarm that’s high maintenance
I guess it would depend on the temperature resistance and how the power is transmitted. Even solar panels wear out, and the collection surfaces of a dyson sphere would be a lot higher temp. But with something that scale, I’d imagine it would be a ton of maintenance work even if was a tiny amount per area.
I would like to submit an analogy that accurately communicates how overrated Dyson spheres are:
Dyson sphere = non-trebuchet catapult
Dyson ring = trebuchet