If I get back to 2005 I can easily get more than 10 millions by the time it’s 2024 again. Plus all the other perks of restarting your life
Easy. Bitcoin.
If I choose red, I wouldn’t be able to guarantee my daughter would be born even if I met my wife because of, well, biology, but if choose the blue pill I can make sure she’ll have a huge head start on life from this point out, so blue pill it is.
Blue. No mistake reversion or bitcoin investing would outweigh possibly never meeting my partner again. With Blue, I have everything I could ever want from this life, with red, I may lose everything important to me now.
For $10M, I might just retire, buy a house and raise my kid.
Sure beats having to struggle at work.
6 year old me was unhappy enough without a plethora of knowledge and absolutely nothing to do with that.
I’ll have the money please, I got some ideas to make 6 year olds less unhappy.
For the statistics: 40s, successful, no family.
Six is a bit early. If I could go back to between age 18 and December 2015
I could make money and have a way better career trajectory and love life.
Otherwise back spring/summer 2007.
6 is pointless. Knowledge and wisdom in a body and brain not equipped for it? Hardcore depression.
So yeah 10 mill.
Blue pill. Restarting with all my knowledge, I might end up not meeting my soulmate and not having my kid, because of randomness. I can’t have that.
I’m taking the money, I don’t want to be a child again.
Could you imagine the psychological damage of having your adult mind shoved back into your 6 year old self? You’d be unable to relate to or even tolerate any of your peers, so say goodbye to any childhood friendships. You’d be unstimulated by the mountain of busy work in school and frustrated by all the topics you’d have to relearn. I personally would go through all of the procrastination troubles again. There are plenty of traumatic events that you would not be able to prevent or even affect. Nevermind that you are still carrying that trauma with you, you’re just trying to not re-live it. Develop any chronic illnesses? Maybe you can get treated quicker but you still have to watch your health decline. It’ll be a decade before you have any kind of autonomy to do any stocks or Bitcoin type stuff, unless you want to become some prophetic wünderkind. As far as I’m aware, mt gox was one of the only reliable places to get Bitcoin, until it wasn’t. I don’t know the day that it fell apart off the top of my head.
I never understand why anyone would choose the “do it all over again” scenarios.
I never understand why anyone would choose the “do it all over again” scenarios.
The consensus seems to be for money, power, or pleasure.
Blue pill all day. I’d never give up my daughter and we could spend the rest of our lives vacationing.
If Silicon Valley taught me anything, take the cash.
Red pill if it means I go back in time to when I was 6yrs old. Blue pill if not.
Edit: having to live through puberty again would be painful, but there’s a fair amount of stuff I could, and likely would, do a lot differently.
I’d take the $10 mil. Childhood seems like it would be a lot less fun if I had to go through it again but now with the jaded mind of a middle aged man.
I can for sure find a way to have fun with ten million dollars though 😉
Six year old, easy choice - do something mildly special for a kid that age and get on TV then when they ask you a question the answer is ‘well it was a dream i had, there was a pale horse riding towards us snd the horses name was Tod, it was going to run over everyone but an angel told me to call out to the faithful and save them…’
Kid can’t even read and from an atheist family then starts quoting bible and making up complex visions and messages no child could ever create - plus very clear predictions that come perfectly true, knowledge of science before it’s discovered… Admit it, you’d get sucked into my cult.
Could have a huge portion of the world believing, teach them the need for luxury gay space communism then when we’re all living in utopia be like ‘oh btw it was just a time travel prank lol’
Pro gamee move: Start with red pill, take blue pill when you get back to the point in time where the choice is offered
My brain says the blue pill because money.
My heart says the red pill because I miss my soulmate and would give anything for a chance with her again.