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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • The rationale behind taking the lump sum is that if you take a lump sum now and invest it, you can live off the proceeds from the investment and the overall value will outstrip inflation and the losses from the taxes and you can take advantage of compound interest to really ramp things up. You can actuality make more money in the long term by taking less now.

  • In Canada we have a candy bar called Big Turk that is produced by Nestle. It’s sold in every corner store, every gas station. It’s everywhere. I have never in my life ever seen someone purchase one, let alone eat one. No idea what it tastes like. I’ve never seen one out of the wrapper in real life, but the pictures sure do look interesting.

  • I used to school the locals at SF2 and MK back like 20 years ago. This was in the quarters on the ridge, winner sticks, GenX days. I still get recognized in the surrounding towns.

    This was all fine and dandy in the rural town I grew up in, but then I did a trip to a major city, out to Vancouver, and I got demolished by the big city kids. It was a disaster. I was getting laid out left and right. Just dummied. Sickened. Was humbled.

    Whatever. I still clean up locally on the rare occasion it comes up. One of those guys from the town over ended up working at the same place I did for a while and he was going on about his SF2 prowess, so one day I brought in a Switch with some decent controllers and we went at it. We went 9 games to 1 in my favour in a 10 game series.

  • Back in the day, I drew this image in whatever the MS Paint equivalent was in KDE:


    And posted it to the Awful Forums in a thread about funny charts. It blew up and I didn’t notice for years. The joke itself came from something I found in an issue of Toro, which was a sort of Maxim-style men’s magazine that was published in Toronto for a few years. If anyone could ever track down some issues of that magazine they might find the original joke, or at least my original discovery of said joke. The joke itself is probably even older. All I did was draw that exact image, and then a zillion imitators were spawned, but like I say, I was oblivious until like 5 years later when it showed up in an actual presentation I was attending.

    Memes spread differently back then, as stuff like Reddit and 4chan were just getting their footing. Email was still a primary carrier, along with a handful of popular sites like Boing Boing and maybe Slashdot.

    I think my favourite outcomes from this image were

    • seeing the chart appear in the documentation for Google Charts where it was used as an example of some advanced features of the pie charts modules. Edited to add: actually it wasn’t Google’s documentation proper, it was a blog post by Matt Cutts who was a Google dev for years. That’s at https://www.mattcutts.com/blog/pacman-graph-in-google-chart-api/. I was thinking it was the actual docs.
    • an ironic copy of the chart where the data is represented as a bar chart instead of a pie chart.
    • just seeing all the stuff that came out of it, like the alternative drawings, the t-shirts, the posters, all the merchandising, merchandising, merchandising. The image has also literally appeared in print in at least another magazine, in a Finnish newspaper. Just do a Google image search for “Pac-Man pie chart” and you’ll see all kinds of nonsense.

    All from a little image I did for the Awful Forums nearly 20 years ago based on a little image from a flash in the pan men’s magazine from Toronto.

    That’s my claim to internet fame. But… ironically, I have like no proof. You can find the thread that the original image appears in, but for some reason the specific page that it appears on and the specific comment is missing, along with like a few dozen other comments from that thread. You can see the comments leading up to the image and the comments afterwards talking about how it has been picked up by Boing Boing and some other sites and has effectively become a meme, but the actual comment itself is missing. This wasn’t all that uncommon back then — the Awful Forums had their share of technical mishaps, and data went missing from time to time, so it’s not all that unexpected.

    Boing Boing and Wil Wheaton are perhaps the two most responsible for its spread, and a few years ago I had a chance to talk to a Cory Doctorow at a tech conference and we spoke about the image and I confessed that I hadn’t been quite the comedic genius that could come up with that ironic chart, but that I did draw the actual image itself. I just wanted to get that out there I guess.

  • I sort of happened to me once. I created an image and posted it eons ago (2006), got a few laughs, then promptly forgot about it. A few years later, like five years after the fact, I was following along with a PowerPoint presentation at some work thing and there was my image in the middle of it. Apparently the image had become an office favourite and ended up spawning a bunch of similar images, then t-shirts, coffee mugs, posters, all sorts of things. I started seeing the image in things like the documentation for Google Charts, and in other presentations. It was weird. The image blew up and I had zero idea it had happened. It spread via Boing Boing and Wil Wheaton, believe it or not.

    I can only take credit for the image itself, as the joke itself came from a magazine I had read at a dentists office.

    So yeah, I can totally see it happening, ‘cause it borderline-happened to me.