Tbf Funky Kong looks pretty divorced.
You need to have the arms for it.
And can’t skimp on the jean shorts tsk tsk
Then you would look like a divorced pro wrestler
Or is the problem that he’s wearing khaki instead of the canonical blue-Jean shorts?
Just realized this is BDG, so nevermind this is actually literally perfect.
Rizz is stored in the jorts
This makes me wish there was !lemmysilver
You mean jorts?
You have to get married to begin with to look divorced. He looks “tell her a fake name and leave the state when the pregnancy test comes back positive.”
Is that BDG and Carolyn Page?
Looks like BDG and Jenna Stoeber when they both were at Polygon to me!
BDG was my first impression too. And he would totally do that.
Who are these people?
I only know Brian David Gilbert, a YouTube person, and jort enthusiast.
Brian David Gilbert is the guy who read the Halo books.
I think you’re right y’know
He looks like how I imagine ‘florida man’ looks like.
It’s less about the clothes, and more about how you wear em
And here I thought it was Trevor cosplaying as Cory…
A new method to confuse mall cops.
In game funky looks cool, but irl it looks sad.