Same! Good times racing my college housemates while all chillin in our separate rooms. Then hearing a muffled scream after launching some bullshit item 😂
Funniest was logging in at degenerate hours and seeing one or some of them already on haha. Gooood times…
Big fan of Lauren Kraft I see. Me too 👍🇺🇸
Yep! Once you start getting into waves & fields all bets are off. High frequency electromagnetic radiation gets more and more wild if you back it up with enough power
Could be as safe as a radio transmission or as deadly as a submarine’s sonar pulse. All depends on the frequency and the power behind it (and where you direct it)
AC + high voltage must be nightmare mode
Gustave once saved my child from the maw of destruction.
I don’t actually have any children but Gustave managed to do it anyway.
Thanks Gustave.
Sorry I already brought it home. No take backs
And can’t skimp on the jean shorts tsk tsk
I think that’s just a weird way they drew her gripping it
Yes. This is a photo accurate rendition of the current state of Colorado
Gdamn. Imagine having another leg that can throw your whole body right behind you
He was just reminding them they were low on stock
That and being unable to swipe-collapse a comment tree. The right-left swipe only being reply (when there’s already that giant reply button) there is certainly a design choice.
If anyone ever wondered who would sympathize with the British in 1775, posts like OPs should answer that question