Have you tried being nice to it instead?
It’s not getting any packets for Christmas.
Wow is that an old version of NGINX. Bad sys admin! If you are going to change your server string, have some fun. Set it to “server 1.0. Today’s special is caramel horse apple”
The poor thing is probably mining bit coins and deploying ransomware!
this meme is almost old enough to vote.
“Hey router, I’d like to talk to-“
(Throws packet to the ground) YOU WILL TALK ONLY IF I WILL IT.
grabs power cord “au contraire, it is only I that will do the talking”
Reverse proxies be like that.
system outrage
As someone who self hosts and manages a bunch of company websites, I can relate
This is almost always caused by a either a bad reverse proxy config or the service behind the reverse proxy being down.
I would also accept a beige pc tower with the cow logo on it.
Common misconception, it’s actually called Bad Gateway because Gateway has historically been a spa town
It’s trying its best, you asshole
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Error 404 nginx unmatched route page gang
System go crazy
Needs more cow-print.
I’ve got a fever… and the only cure… is late 90s cow print computers
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