For an alternative that doesn’t sound insane, try turkey a la king. Turkey in a creamy sauce on puff pastry or toast.
For an alternative that doesn’t sound insane, try turkey a la king. Turkey in a creamy sauce on puff pastry or toast.
Empty set is ∅, slashed zero is 0︀ (if your browser decides to render the unicode variant) or 0︀ in html
Learn the difference, it could save your life!
(It could not actually save your life)
I read the long E as a dot matrix printer noise
If you take immortality, you also probably need to take healing. Being mortally wounded and unable to die sounds, uh, bad.
I don’t think you need permission to send someone an email directly addressed to and written for them. I don’t have context for the claims about Kagi being disputed, but I’d be frustrated if someone posted a misinformed rant about my work and then refused to talk to me about it. I might even write an email. Doesn’t sound crazy. If there’s more to the “harassment” that I don’t know about, obviously I’m not in favor.
I’m ok with accepting this as canon
The eigenvalues of a diagonal matrix are the values on the diagonal. Diagonalizable matrices’ eigenvalues can be determined by diagonalizing them and looking at the entries on the diagonal.
Keycaps are expensive but you can easily spend $500 on a keyboard chassis/plate/pcb alone
If a line-following robot bumps into a 3 year old, it might knock them over. It’s a different situation with high speed 2 ton death machines
Once every 50 years or so
If my cooking senses are right, it would be like cooking bacon in a stainless steel pan, which is sticky and burny but not impossible
That’s the “naughty” guy from Courage the Cowardly Dog
These things are specifically not defined by the protocol. They could be. They’re not, by design.
It doesn’t, it just delegates the responsibility to something else, namely xdg-desktop-portal and/or your compositor. The main issue with global hotkeys is that applications can’t usually set them, e.g. Discord push-to-talk, rather the compositor has to set them and the application needs to communicate with the compositor. This is fundamentally different from how it worked with X11 so naturally adoption is slow.
It’s not correct, and your knowledge of the answers has nothing to do with my explanation.
None of the answers are correct. If the answer were 25%, then it couldn’t be 25% because there’s a 50% chance of picking it at random, which contradicts our supposition. Similarly the answer cannot be 50% because there’s a 25% chance of picking it. The answer isn’t 60% because there isn’t a 60% chance of picking it.
Which is wrong, because you incorrectly assumed there was one correct answer
There’s a spectrum between architecture/planning/design and “premature optimization.” Using microservices in anticipation of a need for scaling isn’t premature optimization, it’s just design.
I have heard this phrase used to describe Yippee Mans. I googled “yippee” and one of the first results was from so it checks out: