Girls screen for this shit now. Put a MAGA hat on your dating profile, see how you do.
Gays screen for this, too.
“I like to go out to the range now and they, stay in practice and have fun”
“oh cool! I need to go more often”
“but those damn democrats are trying to close them all down”
“check, please”
There are some democrats trying to shut down a range near me…mostly because it is a police training range near a residential neighborhood and apparently some people don’t like listening to cops mag-dumping AR-15’s at 10 o’clock at night, even if it is “essential training” for “low visibility conditions”, according to a public statement by the county sheriffs office.
If it were near a rich neighborhood full of republicans that shit would have been shut down, declared a superfund site so some construction company could rake in six figures to clean up all the lead contamination, and turned into a park years ago.
Arm the workers.
memberarm the cops.Absolutely! Leftist gun owners do exist, there are literally dozens of us!
Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.
- Karl Marx
Go far enough left and you get your guns back. 🤷🏻♂️
Marx does manage to be right at times ;)
Police ranges should be indoors if they’re going to do shit like that, not outdoors near a neighborhood.
“ If it were near a rich neighborhood full of republicans…”
Exactly why it was not built in a neighborhood like that.
Sucks that kinda talk is taken as that kinda opening.
Gays, POC and women are the largest gun purchasing group ATM, and have been for a minute. And they’re asking what to buy, how to be safe and how to train. Wonder why…?
My Filipino fiancé had never touched a gun. She jumped up and down and literally squealed after putting a few downrange. Then I put the 10-round mag in, she stood up and went straight Viet Cong with it. 😂 Come on in folks, the water’s warm.
Anyhow, want to come shoot at my camp in the swamp?
I generally hate it when someone points out something positive about women and then some dude pops in with “mEn tOo!!1” but to any men who happen to read this: you’ve probably already either been offered the advice or found out the hard way: “Don’t put your dick in crazy.” That’s an umbrella statement that ABSOLUTELY applies to “Don’t put your dick in evil” too.
Man, woman, or other: If you see a MAGA hat, or anything else that raises neonazi/fascist flags, swipe left. Life is too short for that shit.
Man, woman, or other: If you see a MAGA hat, or anything else that raises neonazi/fascist flags, swipe left. Life is too short for that shit.
Also, you just know if you date that person, it’s going to be all they talk about. Life is definitely too short for that.
If you can make it through your bf murdering an entire village you can make it through your bf becoming a fascist
Pssh, they were just sand people.
And they’ll soon be back, in greater numbers
If only there was a warning that he was into fascism before he ruined the date.
And she still loves him anyway despite being A LITERAL SENATOR who strongly advocates liberal democracy, and helped found the Delegation of 2000 (which ultimately led to the Rebellion their daughter would help lead)
Well, yes there’s that… but also, he’s cute so, what are you gonna do?!:-P
And he’s a ninja space wizard, that’s gotta count for a lot.
Yeah, I mean I am very straight, don’t get me wrong… But if he looked at me like he does her, I would not be surprised if my heart skipped a beat too!:-P
I think you’re probably not as straight as you think you are.
I think the entire concept of straight is wider than culture tends to portray.:-D
I’m just going to leave this here
Interesting background reading!:-)
I mean, he’s the Force messiah trained in Jedi mind tricks and wants her to love him, even if she’s not weak-minded I’m not sure she’d be able to resist it, she might not exactly be there willingly.
She wants his Droid
“I hope we have twins!”
He’s going to change the world for the better, right?
As long as that world doesn’t have any damn sand
Or Sand People
When his mother is a slave and you refuse to help free her despite being a princess (senator? queen? what the fuck was she anyway?) because that’d cockblock you.
Her name is Queen Amidala, so I’d assume she’s a queen.
She aint queen in AotC
It’s now actually canon that Padme did send someone to try and free Shmi but they failed.
Human relationships no make any sense.