Consequently, one might conclude that the geometric configuration of the Earth approximates a flat surface.
Consequently, one might conclude that the geometric configuration of the Earth approximates a flat surface.
Ah thanks mate! 🧉
Keep looking, there is no oil on the legs.
Don’t know tell me.
It is always the same question, mimimi why is there no UK data available mimimi.
The answer is going to shock you:
As a reporting country, the UK is no longer legally obliged to transmit any data to Eurostat since the end of the transition period (31 December 2020). This concerns new reference periods, as well as revisions of data previously transmitted to Eurostat.
I guess this has something to do with the fact that the UK is on an ego trip for some time now.
Eurostats is the statistical office of the European Union 🇪🇺.
So the UK should start providing data to the statistical office of the European Union 🇪🇺, if their citizens wanted to see their country in statistics provided by the European Union 🇪🇺.
Mimimi but Turkey?
They provide data to Eurostats because, unlike the UK, they want to be a member of the European Union 🇪🇺.
Well, I guess that’s the reason. :)
So there is no privacy in your relationships? If you can’t trust, get out of the relationship.
I don’t agree.
This is hilarious.
What indicators would be better suiting? Working hours and work-life balance sounds quite suiting.
Oh god… of course that’s the goal.
The life-work-bias!
How is this always a comment? Of course, there are a lot more countries in Europe and the world. I suggest you search for a CSV file and create your own diagram. :)
Or one has to deal with the fact that not every picture includes everything.
Enjoy the data. 🍺
I mean oil has already been discovered in Europe, so the possibility is pretty high.
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@911, yes this dude here!
Image is not loading 🥺
Sad FDP noise.