The heart of the champion just makes player b op. The draw 4 just makes them a bully, player a needs the drugs just to survive.
The heart of the champion just makes player b op. The draw 4 just makes them a bully, player a needs the drugs just to survive.
Condiment King will not stand for his weapons being abused in this manner.
Imaginary numbers are any number multiplied by the square root of negative 1, a complex number has both a real and imaginary part. 10+i is complex, 10*i is imaginary.
Don’t you have to go to New Jersey to watch any professional sports team?
Why does it have eyes even though it says no organs, ignoring the problem that skin is an organ.
6 months would be an improvement
As long as that world doesn’t have any damn sand
My favorite part is when New Folder made a cameo in New Folder (3)
Is it really a W for Canada if Canada was a colony? Doesn’t UK get the credit for that?
The beast also survives a head wound and gets more followers.