Well I could show you my gun collection but at this point I’m fairly certain that you would just shit yourself in fear.
Anyway, have fun being unarmed with the state of the world today. The far right will continue stockpiling weapons and you’ll be knocking on the doors of guys like me if and when they finally decide to use them.
That’s the thing that you’re not getting bud. The far right isn’t going to be using their guns against the military or the government. They’re going to be using the guns against us.
Ah yes, so the only other option is to roll over, give up your freedom, and trust the government to protect you from everything. Solid logic there.
Yes, proles. Give up your only means of fighting back. We promise your right to vote is strong enough to protect you from anything. The government that can’t keep its own cops under control will save you. Trust big brother.
Fucking delusional.
Ah right, because those other forms of social media aren’t also infested with politics.
Perhaps I’m old and tired, but I think that the chances of finding out what’s actually going on are so absurdly remote that the only thing to do is to say, “Hang the sense of it,” and keep yourself busy. I’d much rather be happy than right any day.
Electricity does not take the path of least resistance. It takes every path available, inversely proportional to that paths resistance.
When the voltage gets high enough, it will literally start ripping molecules apart in order to make its own path.
Also, nice meme, nerd.
They could have found a way if they had given a shit. Give the forums the option to take over hosting, or transfer them to an internet archive. Hell I bet there are enough data hoarders that would have been delighted to help ensure that data remained accessible without costing photobucket a dime.
Fuck photobucket and the absolute wasteland they have left in countless forum posts in every corner of the internet. Sooooo much valuable information just fucking gone because they got greedy and refused to change with the times.
Now I just need to find a way to block all the bot spam without blocking all the bot porn.
The post says “at least 1” which implies that if anything they’re rounding that number down, because on some days that number is 2. So they’re suggesting that on any given day between 800,000 and 1.6 million Americans get shot, or that every single person in the country gets shot every 13 months or so.
If they’re going to use a number that wildly inaccurate then I immediately assume that every other number in the statement is equally inaccurate, even if that’s not actually the case.
It’s insane because it’s still bullshit, 1 in 400 would mean that over 800,000 Americans get shot every day, and every single person in America gets shot every 13 months or so.
Last time I got into a fight with a dairy farmer I ended up in a coma for 37 days and when I woke up whenever I tried to move my fingers my toes wiggled instead.
Absolutely! Leftist gun owners do exist, there are literally dozens of us!
Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.
There are some democrats trying to shut down a range near me…mostly because it is a police training range near a residential neighborhood and apparently some people don’t like listening to cops mag-dumping AR-15’s at 10 o’clock at night, even if it is “essential training” for “low visibility conditions”, according to a public statement by the county sheriffs office.
If it were near a rich neighborhood full of republicans that shit would have been shut down, declared a superfund site so some construction company could rake in six figures to clean up all the lead contamination, and turned into a park years ago.
You might be my brother, I gave him a copy last christmas
If Americans weren’t buying them, they wouldn’t be coming here.
The same concept applies for illegal immigrants, too. If republicans weren’t hiring them, they wouldn’t be crossing the border.
Statistically speaking (and assuming you’re an American) you are an overweight 40-something hermaphrodite with some college education, who has 1.8 children and is going to die of congestive heart failure.
There are three kinds of untruth. Lies, damned lies, and statistics.