I think that makes the meme more accurate, it’s almost not mansplaining if it’s not also subtly but confidently wrong.
I think that makes the meme more accurate, it’s almost not mansplaining if it’s not also subtly but confidently wrong.
I might be content, but definitely not original, more like a repost at maybe 30% the original pixelation with half a dozen watermarks from various sites with bad crops.
The name keeps mutating for some reason.
Jeb! is near the bottom just to the left. Dead center* is the most recent image of Carter, presumably taking a nap.
What do you mean? The sun gets chased away every night, though I think that gets outsourced to Sköll, a wolf.
I found it via reverse image search, it appears to be by an artist named Mark Ferrari, specifically one of his older works.
You can see it in action here, it’s the “Highland Ruins - Rain” option.
Apparently he’s worked on Lucasfilm games like Loom and the original Monkey Island, so I’ve inadvertently been a fan of his for a long time.
edit: fixed broken link
Ah yes, the classic sign and countersign in memes cant.
On the Disc it’s the 8th son of an 8th son (“8” being the more magical number, along with the eighth color only wizards can see, octarine). The 8th son of an 8th son of an 8th son is a sourcerer, but they’re rare (on purpose).
37 is my favorite, because 3x7x37=777 (three sevens), and I think that’s neat.
Is that JC Denton? Deus Ex (original flavor) was an excellent game when it came out (despite the best efforts of modders, it did not age well). I wish it was remade. Cyberpunk 2077 kind of scratches the itch, but there’s no replacing that story.
You’re thinking of CO, increased CO2 in the blood (which when dissolved becomes CO3+) causes increased anxiety and too much triggers suffocation panic. That’s why you can breathe in basically any other gas and just shut down calmly, but CO2 will have you scrambling.
USD $1,000,000 in 1914 would be worth about $31,000,000 today.
Very good point, my bad.
The only other fast way to fight it is with violence, but without clear national unity and already decent leadership it usually results in some form of autocracy, making the situation worse.
Edit: violent revolution* usually doesn’t work, but violence itself can be rather effective
I just don’t understand why these little details are a big deal. If people want things and it doesn’t hurt anybody then let them have it, who cares? If you want to label yourself trans because it communicates that you’d rather be something other than the gender assigned at birth, sounds good to me. The subsets of that are mostly details that explain how you’re trans to someone curious. Why does it need to be more complicated than that?
I like Sluggy Freelance.
Jazz has the same etymology, comes from jasm (meaning the same as jism, i.e. semen). At the time it also meant spirit/energy; spunk, or spunky, also had this dual meaning.
Wow, that’s more than were killed in the WTC terrorist attacks.
I’ve had entire dreams in the command line, which was fairly incredible to me at the time because I still couldn’t read the characters consistently, and was only taken aback at the strangeness of such after the fact. I had a sense of what the commands meant and I knew what I was doing (hacking the planet), but while I couldn’t read it I knew what the output felt like. Dreams are weird.