Nah, hot bean juice is where it’s at!
Suggestion: cold bean juice
With cow juice
Juice the whole cow so you get all the vitamins.
Seconding this. My burnt drugs beans are only ever in cold water and the burnt drugs bean water tastes so much better. Less acidic, smoother, with subtle flavors coming through that are lost in hot burnt drugs bean water.
I think all things should be described with this level of context. Life would be so much simpler.
just translate german literally to english
Excuse me comrade I believe you mean stroganoff juice
How could a member of my own family say something so horrible?!
Hot bean water < hot leaf water
Fight me
I started to because I misread that as a greater sign. I probably need another cup of tea.
I will not fight you. Usually Heinz has the tastiest beans, gives a great flavor to the water.
If you’d been drinking hot drugs bean water your less than sign would be rendered correctly
This makes me think of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, ‘the computer is figuring out why I like tea’.
I actually knew a guy who liked drinking plain hot water.
Drinking hot black water with drugs seeds in it
Does anyone have an answer why this is? This question bugged me already before and now again. Thanks OP
I guess it’s cultural. Afaik Americans drink very cold water while Europeans like me are fine with lukewarm water. Pretty sure hot water can be preferred as well.
Also: tea has to be hot, otherwise the water won’t take all the flavors or it would take much longer depending on the tea. You can still drink it when it’s cold and I think some people prefer some kinds of tea cold, or mixed beverages based on tea like ice tea. There is also iced tea which is tea but old, I think it’s common in Japan.
I was worried you might’ve forgotten and found peace of mind. You’re welcome.
Even slightly warm water is off-putting for me. I like to assume it’s some primeval awareness of bacteria living in stale water. Does anyone have a real explanation?
When in worked in Yellowstone, it was a culture shock for two reasons
One, people just drink hot water, like tea temps but no tea - thus apparently is an asian (sorry for lack of specifics) and is used along with other eastern medicine practices
Two, if you plug in more than six small appliances (electtric kettle, hair dryer, etc) it will trip the breakers for that floor of the mammoth hot springs hotel.
Less shocking was the English couple who mistranslated directions to their room. The “first floor” would be the second floor for an American, they apparently starting counting at zero, which us great for arrays, not so good for describing a floor as 0 or in English, ground floor.
The hot water thing sounds so bizarre to me! But I guess it’s not really any weirder than preferring it to be ice cold.
Your username is quite appropriate for those post, good sir.
Incidentally, I did have earl grey today.
Oh yeah, hot leaf water, cold leaf water, both good
Hot water is ok but room temp water is best.
I likes my hot water dark brown colored and bitter.
i’m afflicted with having all tea taste like absolutely nothing, i can brew the most wonderfully fragrant luxury tea and when i taste it all i get is vague staleness, even as the cup smells amazing…
This is tragic
I really should qualify for disability
I shower with cold water and brush my teeth with hot water.
Yes police, this comment right here.