This makes me think of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, ‘the computer is figuring out why I like tea’.
This makes me think of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, ‘the computer is figuring out why I like tea’.
If you count an old hard drive I’ve always had that going, easiest to use your old app drives any reinstalls may go more quickly plus any media files on there. Though my media is mostly on my NAS, pictures tend to be on a local drive. I’m not sure I’ve ever done a new computer without an old drive and I’ve been doing this for like 25 years. Though I tend to move the old files to a newer drive before the next upgrade so not a true ship of thesus. Though most times the GPU upgrade is done at different times than the CPU/mobo/ram to keep it cheaper.
Some of the best evil / devil portrayals are when they tell the truth and let the other person wrestle with the impact of it. Mean the stories leave out the obvious falicies but that’s the point of course.
I bought a course from udemy to learn it, helps cause you can follow along in an organized order. I actually haven’t touched it much since but it was fun to go through. Just make sure to buy their courses on sale if you do, otherwise they can get pretty pricey.