When I can buy like a large 5 top pizza for as much as a single fast food combo, i know which I’ll choose.
It’s an addiction for a lot of people.
When I was young I learned that when you add up all the numbers if that number is a multiple of 3 than the original number is also divisible by 3. So 51, 5+1=6 and 6 divisible by 3 and so must 51.
You got the pan too hot and probably messed with it too soon. Med/low heat throw it in let it solidify then go to town. Use cast iron and there’s practically no clean up.
Beau is afraid. I found a stream of it online (yar matey). It was strange but good.
Gosh I hope so, we can all form a circle, hold hands, and burn the whole place down while the rats are trapped.
In before they are 4$ each, for half a chicken nugget wrapped in a small tortilla
this is what closed captioning is for, ya know and the other thing
get them into gardening, its like a real life infinite food glitch.
Never in my life have I seen a subway with more than 3 working people in it. I haven’t ate it in years but more often than not it’s just 1 guy.
On a side note I play and follow the classic Tetris scene and it’s been wild seeing the game change in terms of age demographics in only a couple years. Went from mostly middle age 30+ to kids 14-25 at least at the top of the game.
You are just playing the wrong games if you think everyone is young. I play on a lot of classic wow private servers and the average age is probably 35+
80$ for a new controller is enough for me to keep it contained.
I take it one further and bring in a cart from between spaces, someone is finishing using packing away groceries, or already in the station and bring it back into the store to use. And as a single person struggling with the increasing cost of groceries, trying to keep my weekly trips under 80$. I can carry out everything I get by hand, leaving the cart in the store.
Returning the cart to the station is like bare minimum and still many people can’t even do that.
Hot water is ok but room temp water is best.