like that one lib from one of the other instances earlier today who was like “oh you just went mask off” when someone self identified as an ML lmao
fucker we aren’t ashamed to be called commie
The communists disdain to conceal their view
a rule to live by
I will always correct people who call me a liberal though 💅
An ex-friend of mine once had a back and forth when I tried to say I’m not a liberal, I’m a communist. And he kept insisting that since my opinions were ones that people think of as “liberal opinions” that makes me a liberal. It was very frustrating. He was a very frustrating person to talk to about politics in general.
I live in the US, I feel you. I came around to ML a little later in life, most of my old friends are just typical libs so I don’t really talk much about politics with them.
Confidently wrong is one of the most frustrating things to deal with.
Fox News has been blindingly accusing the Democrats (or anyone to the left of Ronald Reagan, really) of being Marxists for so long that they forgot it’s an actual word with an actual meaning.
They actually think the democrats invented communism and was surprised Xi was an adherent of Hillary Clinton
Peace, Land, Her Turn
- Vladimir Lenin, 1917
“Women hold up half of the Skymall catalog” —Mao Zedong, probably
lol I can’t help but think of when Clinton advocated for seizing the means of production
Yea I’m a Marxist-Clintonist
take back the means of production
All I need to hear from Comrade Hilldawg.
It’s just an easy way to get their audience into a blind frothing rage. (Damn, I can’t seem to access the hexbear fash emoji)
Here you go:
idk why but it makes me laugh every time.
Indeed, it’s hilarious.
who remembers? 🤔
I like how many ‘staunch anti-communists’ have no clue what marxism-leninism is 😂
‘material…conditions? Is that like a Madonna song from the 80s?’
Modanna was the original dialectical material girl.
Cool shirt idea right there.
but I thought Xi was an arachno-Bidenist
Xi is more far far left than vanguard of the revolution, Joe Biden 😨
This is a non-partisan space and I think we can respectfully disagree with each other, but I’d just like to say I’ll be writing down anyone who disagrees with this take as a corn-poppist reactionary
Edit: oh shit I just realized I left hexbear and this is now a partisan space?? based
Extremely disappointed that this isn’t one of the emojis that becomes massive on other instances.
Has to be posted by someone from another instance than yours to go XXL. Be happy because all the Non hexagonal and Non Ursine folk are seeing it in its massiveness.
I think it’s just certain emojis that are affected, I switched over to lemmygrad and it was a little larger but not huge
Someone said they revert to their original size.
Yeah, a bunch of ours are severely upscale by vectorization, such as
It’s not a high enough resolution image to be massive as you can see when I force it to be bigger:
Liberals: “marxist-leninist? I though he was a communist!”
My first downvote from a salty lib on my new account 🥹
This just in, Liberals have SLAMMED lemmygrad user @MCU_H8ER with a SCATHING downvote. More to come an 7.
‘When reached for comment, the lemmygrad user claimed that the libs anger actually was making him stronger. He then said he was going to lift some weights while listening to Parenti lectures.’
I have to say that I feel like the Chinese Revolution of 1949 has been utterly betrayed and sold out. Things used to be great. Now? A Marxist-Leninist? Truly dark and unprecedented times in China. I supported them until now, I can’t support Extremism smh Free TaibetJiang
doctorate in ML
Pack it up guys, gals, and everyone in between, some lib slammed poor Xi with a verbal accusation that he is what he has always been. Communism will never recover. China will collapse tomorrow.
This is fucked up. I’m going to have to burn all my Xi merchandise now smh
I can’t believe he’s a communist wtf
(Shocked gasp)
Since Xi is not really a proponent of military interventions in allied states I wouldn’t call him a tankie. Maybe the coming reunification will change my mind but until then I refuse to grant him that valor.
True, but most of the west think he is the 2nd coming of Mao.
just the logical thing to do 🤷
big if true