Those fake bacon bits that are bright red and crunchy that people put on their salads and such are made from soy. The real stuff that is chewy is def still pork.
Leftist, horror movies, programming, dumb obscure indie games, angry techno, deathcore, enjoyer of theory.
ghost might be a reference to spectre or just a play on a trapcore artist name…
Those fake bacon bits that are bright red and crunchy that people put on their salads and such are made from soy. The real stuff that is chewy is def still pork.
Don’t forget Monster energy drinks! /s sort of. I take a supplement though lol
Can we just let all the fashies in here so we can all just get along and have tea and scones together puh-leaaaaaaaase???
I might. I feel like I need to do a full unload post to just get shit off my chest.
I might wait for an update on if we are gonna be allowed to get chip.
I can’t help but lose it every time he gets sick though. He has basically been sick for 9 months straight with 104 fevers and a bunch of tests that always come back with nothing. It sucked before but we at least had some form of health care but now we are on the glorious ACA and I just… I don’t really get it.
But like every time this happens I just go back to this mood of pure hatred towards our healthcare system. I can’t help but feel like every one of my family that are against universal care would just be fine if my baby died from his 10th fucking bout with pneumonia because this time he isn’t covered. I will never understand how people who call themselves Christians would be ok with poor people suffering because they couldn’t afford our outrageous health care prices. It will never make sense that we could pay 8% for example to cover everyone but people would rather go the selfish route and pay like 30% for their employer picked healthcare.
Fast update but found out that he does have pneumonia. So like treat him out of pocket and not get benefits, or what, let him possibly die from untreated pneumonia?
Insurance here is also about 30% of our paycheck.
Right now I’m unemployed, we are on ACA, the affordable care act benefits. For people outside of this shitty country, that Obamacare. Our toddler is sick. We are trying to get our kids on CHIP, which is actually affordable benefits for our kids. Just found out that when my wife took our toddler in for possible pneumonia or liquid in his lungs, that since he isn’t currently covered, if we pay for this visit out of pocket, we could be denied CHIP.
So like what the fuck are we supposed to do?
Legit all the fucking conservative women I knew got all upset when RvW was overturned and I was like “how the fuck do you not understand you voted for this very fucking thing?”
I had a former co-worker pull this “compromise” card when I was talking about how maybe minimum wages should be a living wage. He said “both sides should just come to a middle ground”. Like bruh, you know that “compromise” would be literally not a living wage, right? You get that, right?
Lubuntu and Xubuntu are both great options for older hardware. Mint also has an LXDE version IIRC.
For what it’s worth, you can update the kernel in Mint pretty easily. I did it about a year ago to add support for my new WiFi card.
They changed their comment because when I made my comment, the person I replied to said something to the effect of wanting to interview OP for his paper he is writing in mentally disabled people.
The person below me was commenting on the same original text because the word “interview” was used.
Ableism and racism all in one go, impressive. Also fuck off.
Modanna was the original dialectical material girl.
Ha yeah you can’t win them all I guess.
You don’t know what “the means of production” is… like at all.
Do the McDonald’s employees own the McDonald’s?
Marx didn’t write a single piece of economic theory about the gays either!
I’ve legit seen this argument online.
Yeah it’s def anti-camping architecture.
Damn they really are the cracker 👀
Joke’s on you, I’m already unemployed.