reports police can quickly scan to learn everything about the establishment and its connections
I can literally do that right now without being a cop lol
reports police can quickly scan to learn everything about the establishment and its connections
I can literally do that right now without being a cop lol
Do you genuinely think that an American billionaire ex president with a seething, delusional fan base, and as of august 2023, no prohibition from being elected, is not above the law? He’s not going to be spending time with gangsters and killers. He’s gonna be very protected by the state.
He’s not like Bernie Madoff or Elizabeth Holmes who screwed a ton of rich people. It’s not happening. His underlings could get sentenced though, but Trump will have some special bullshit order and he’ll be free.
The worst part is that many of the influencers and models are likely not even paid by the DOD. At least the IDF pays their shills
But dancing is gay and being yelled at to get sweaty by an old man is masculine
There is a healthy and honest way to appreciate communism, Russia, the CCP and even DPRK.
And then there are people who are completely shilling the CCP Russia DPRK as communist uptopias. These people are tankies.
I would agree with you, if you simply called them dumbasses instead of using the equivalent of “woke” that’s virtually meaningless now. I have seen communists, anarchists, liberals, and even Zelensky being branded as “tankies”
defederates from us
“Why would the tankies do this to me?”
Sigmaposting your mom
How could I miss it? You spelled it out for us
I said a solution to Nazis isnt to kill Nazis
People here are getting you to complain and outting yourself as a future collaborator. So I’d say it’s a job well done given the limited nature of online activities
Reeducation is for peace time, after winning and substantially changing the system. Sure, right now you may be able to change individual minds. I’m sure many here started off as some reactionary, I know I certainly did. But the problem is that the institutions with power and influence and the condition that created Nazis are still present and PROMOTED by society.
It’s the equivalent of Planet Fitness. Will some members become very fit and very healthy? Absolutely, with the right program and discipline, they can achieve that anywhere. But when you discourage advanced training, fill the gym with ineffective machines made by conmen, and feed everyone pizza, the majority will continue to stay unfit and unhealthy.
All types of government will have some form of corruption, but I’m not sure how a “free market” ran by people who follow the philosophy that companies only have the responsibility to answer to shareholders will generate wealth for “many.” Unless you’re advocating for trickle down pissonomics?
After taking some serious time to think, I agree with you. It’s just absurd that anyone can advocate for killing Nazis. The Soviet orcs should have stormed Auschwitz and hugged the guards and scientists and said, “I forgive you, comrade.” The monsters even made poor Adolf commit suicide instead of advocating for self care.
The Ghost of Kyiv was refueling for 15 days
“…interstellar permanence, we are defective. Aaand, done. Time to hit reply.”
Me, too! It’s epic
These freaks will go gaga over Blackwater and Erik Prince if he rebranded to environmentalism and went around killing villagers in the name of protecting unicorns. Liberals decry communists’ jokes about purges while they’re actively cheering on and financially backing vigilante murders by mercenaries.
Most of the people doing it are not some government organization. They’re often ragtag militias or straight up PMCs posing as environmentalists. In Africa particularly, many of these “anti poaching” militias are owned by former Rhodesian officers
You’ll do a lot more to protect the environment by killing coke executives and giving the money to the villagers nearby so they can stop poaching.
It’s almost as if accountable killings being backed and cheered on by powerful governments and business interest attracts the wrong crowd. If Jeff Dahmer was stronger and smarter im sure he would’ve applied to similar organizations .
Operation Lock was apparently the first major privately funded African antipoaching project, and may have been the most sinister, not least because poachers may have been among the major beneficiaries of it.
“To implement Operation Lock,” Ellis wrote, “Dr. Hanks commissioned KAS Enterprises Ltd., whose chair was the late Sir David Stirling, the founder of the Special Air Services. Many of the KAS staff were former members of the SAS. The initial aim was to gather intelligence, but it developed into a more ambitious project to employ former SAS men for paramilitary anti-poaching work throughout Southern Africa, and bought equipment from the South African Defense Force. At least £75,000 of Prince Bernhard’s donation was used to buy rhino horn.” As Ellis added, even then it was no secret that “Many of the ivory and horn traffickers in southern Africa” were “also known to deal in drugs, weapons and ammunition, sometimes with the conivance of senior officers of the South African Defence Force.”
Craig Van Note, executive vice president of the WWF subsidiary TRAFFIC, outlined what WWF already knew in a mid-1988 article for Earth Island Journal. “The South African military,” Van Note charged, “has cynically aided the virtual annihilation of the once great elephant herds of Angola. Jonas Savimbi and his UNITA rebel forces in Angola, largely supplied by South Africa, have killed perhaps 100,000 elephants to help finance the 12-year-old conflict. Most of the tusks have been carried out on South African air transports or trucks, although some move through Zaire and Burundi.”
Do you really think the poachers surrounded by wild animals that can kill them and ‘animal loving’ deaths squads are living lavishly and eating lobster and steak dinners?
Fuck the UKKK, but I’ve seen some videos of a dozen cops apprehending a mentally ill man running around with a knife without anyone getting hurt besides some bruises probably, but all the comments were like “BRITISH COPS ARE PUSSIES BECAUSE THEY DONT IMMEDIATELY EXECUTE THE THREAT!!”