“Wow, the Fire Nation is just like the latest country the news told me to hate, good thing America’s around to Share Our Greatness™️with them!”
“Wow, the Fire Nation is just like the latest country the news told me to hate, good thing America’s around to Share Our Greatness™️with them!”
Telegraph journalist “eats their own shit for breakfast.”
CNN journalist said to bathe in the blood of infants.
CNBC journalist reportedly only moves by scrunching themself up like a worm, can walk but refuses to.
Can’t believe ISIS would do something like that 😔
The trouble is consciously rejecting an idea you were raised with doesn’t immediately rid you of the various biases that idea instilled in you. And nobody is more susceptible to bias than people who don’t think they have any, which describes a lot of people in that sphere. This is where the absurd phrase “culturally Christian” comes from, because they realize the beliefs they were raised with are bullshit, but then they notice that that belief system has all the prejudices that they have (because they were raised with it), so rather than confronting those biases and doing self-crit (emotional self-awareness and humility ew ew gross) they instead just come up with some bizarre twisted rationalization (using FACTS and LOGIC) and accept that. The brain is very good at rationalizations like that and can invent all sorts of convoluted lines of logic if it means fitting in with one’s tribe.
The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre said Mr Rota’s remarks ignore “the horrific fact that Hunka served in the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, a Nazi military unit whose crimes against humanity during the Holocaust are well-documented”.
Since his invasion in February 2022, Russian president Vladimir Putin has repeatedly made unsubstantiated claims that Ukraine “harbours neo-Nazis”.
Those are the last two lines.
Tbf I guess in this case it’s technically not a neo-Nazi
Food has a cultural component tied to its manufacture and identification. And IPAs are food that probably shouldn’t exist and which only does as a byproduct of market capitalism. They’re the Lacanian ‘object a’ - an empty, manufactured falseness. We don’t desire the thing itself, but the thing whose absence it symbolizes. What you’re really consuming when you drink an IPA is its innate mechanical predictability.
(Thanks to the thread last week arguing about pumpkin spice lattes for giving me a new copypasta to use about anything I personally dislike.)
Always fun to see accusations with no link and speculate on what actually happened.
If people are skeptical of Söhnlein, he understands. “Forget OceanGate. Forget Titan. Forget Stockton,” he tells Insider, referring to his late partner at OceanGate, Stockton Rush, who was one of the passengers aboard the doomed Titan.
I don’t think it works like that bro
Have you considered the possibility that some people like the taste of pumpkin spice lattes? Or do you just get to dismiss everything you personally dislike as “The Lacanian ‘object a?’” You could substitute literally any food or drink for PSLs in what you said, it’s completely meaningless.
It’s just empty words and phrases for you to feel superior to others based on what treats you enjoy or don’t enjoy.
Say what you will about the map, at least there’s no England.
There’s probably a way to link literally any given thing to white supremacy and cis heteronormativity provided you don’t care how tenuous the connection is. Hating mainstream stuff when you don’t have an actual reason is just a way to make yourself feel superior. Hell, I could probably draw a more compelling connection from hating basic stuff to white supremacy and cis heteronormativity than you could for the reverse.
The infamous Drones are Queer paper is probably a good example of how it’s possible to draw a connection between virtually any two things if you try hard enough. Or just tell Chat GPT to write an explanation on how X and Y are linked for any two things.
How dare anyone ask me to stop criticising a thing I have no problem with and no intention of criticizing! We stand in solidarity with all cynical killjoys across the world! Even if we don’t hate something, we will defend to the death the right to hate it!
Ahh yes, the classic emblem of America’s crass consumerism checks notes flavored coffee.
PSLs and Halloween decorations are bourgeois decadance, clearly.
Yeah we had a wrecker a while back go full mask-off over pumpkin spice lattes calling them “whore coffee” and making death threats over it. Granted that might just be that one wierdo but hating on PSLs and other “basic” stuff at least was a thing a while back.
What criticism even is there against PSLs and Halloween decorations??
I don’t think anybody’s being pressured into drinking pumpkin spice lattes or eating avocado toast lmao. D&D is a fun and good creative, sociable activity and more people getting into it is good, actually.
Any popular thing is going to have hype around it, that doesn’t mean that it’s inherently bad. You’re free to dislike popular stuff but saying it’s bad just because it’s popular is a bad take.
Pumpkin Spice Lattes are good and also the official drink of hexbear.net (the other ones are good too).
Hexbears in this thread having a knee-jerk contrarian reaction to the “let people enjoy things” sentiment even though nobody actually has a problem with any of these things lmao.
Define your variables. Wtf is “b,” the number of votes candidate B would have, plus one for no reason? Why is candidate T getting t votes and not t-1 votes? Terrible math, try again.