For people that have been waiting for systemic change for decades by calmly ticking a box on a ballot you guys sure seem to not have that much patience
Oh I feel something trickling down I can tell ya… And I would have it checked out at the doctor’s office if I could afford it 😤
Ayn Rand vibes, “how dare they educate my family”
As tankies, we need to look honestly at the ways in which the Soviet education system failed Ms. Rand.
Like giving her the ability to write decent prose or believable characters (seriously, the woman had no idea of how an adjective is supposed to work).
Based deserved criticism of the USSR
I remember this and the egg monopoly lady. “my grandpa was an illetrate fascist” is not something to brag about. This guy’s awareness is nonexistent.
Every single egg in chhnia
Lol, evergreen post
It is funny, all my adult life I’ve been a leftist but never had much interaction with tankies because of how I was always taught that they were hypocrites and pseudo-fascists and so on…
But lurking lemmygrad and seeing “liberals”, who mostly don’t even know what that word means, getting repeatedly dunked on with actual sources and recommended reading has been a great eye opener to what ml actually stands for.
So please keep doing what you guys are doing, because even if who you are responding to runs away after getting an elaborated answer, there will always be people like me that are actually trying to learn something and will appreciate the response.
this how these dastardly tankies get you, next thing you know you’re cackling as you drive tanks through people’s walls
Can confirm
help i drove a tank through my own wall by accident
Communists that you find on internet are not just 13 year olds from america, there is a world out there you libs/conservatives from americkkka. It is really funny you guys still make this joke. Communists comes in different age, colour, from different countries. It is not a phase in the life of rebellious children from your country. So please don’t come here to infantilize us.
Hey, the CPC has 90 million active members but they must all be naive, idiotic children, right? Truly they are too stupid to understand that our Western ideology is far more superior.
Here’s why the CPC aren’t true communists tho sweaty
Ironically most Chinese people would fall under the Okay category
What does “active members” mean? That number seems kind of low for a country of 1.4 billion
being a member of the CPC comes with duties and other obligations because you represent the state. For example you should be married before joining or at least in a relationship because they don’t want you to date around due to the power implications (you being a member and the people you date not being members).
It’s not like joining a party in liberal democracies where you just pay the dues and then do whatever.
Thanks for the explanation! That makes much more sense now.
I don’t fully know what it entails but the CPC has 98 million party members. For a population of 1.4 billion that seems low, but you have to remember that not every single person has the ambition to be politically involved. Many people just live their lives without being member of a political party. And even then, almost 1 in 14 people being member of the biggest party in the country is pretty massive.
Because there are very high standards to join t he CPC. Even Xi Jinping failed initially when he was trying to join
He failed several times, actually. Yet he never waned or gave up.
But random attacks on the character of their enemy is the only way they know how to dismiss a position that disagrees with theirs! What else could they possibly do other than call us names? If they actually listened to us they might realise we have something to say.
That’s it. The only way to remain an anti-communist is to refuse to read communist literature. Anyone who reads communist theory will either become a communist or know that communists are right (and become a figure like McCarthy).
Which is why they have so many traps and mental safety nets designed to push people away from socialism and reading communist literature. The lib will have a million excuses to never actually pick up a book.
me to all the liberals visiting:
Damn, they’re charging headlong into machine gun fire. And I thought meat shield suicide armies only existed in fiction.
There were a few occasions when the Romanian fascists machine‐gunned retreaters.
Officers often threatened to shoot cowards, and commanders sometimes even ordered “blocking detachments” to machine gun soldiers who retreated, though this was rarely followed through with.
Oh, hey, Enemy at the Gates was projection after all! Who woulda thunk.
blocking detachments
According to Russell Bentley, the Ukrainian government was doing this during the 2015-2018 period of the war in Donbass. The regular army was incredibly demoralized – they were fighting against a determined and heroic enemy, who in the battle of Donetsk Airport took down Ukrop observation towers not with artillery, but with machine gun fire trained for days at the base – and to keep these conscripts from retreating, Azov and Aidar troops were kept stationed in their rear.
The joke continues to tell by itself on this post 😂
It’s closer to “if those kids could read they’d be very upset”.
I’ve cancelled a lot of comments before posting them when they try to argue with you lot and don’t even know how you’re using words.
to clarify, when you say “they” you’re talking about commenters who don’t even know what we mean when we use the word materialism?
Materialism is when you buy things, the more things you buy the more materialist you are. When you buy a whola lot of things you’re a dialectical materialist.
and how do you become a historical materialist?
By buying a whola lot of old stuff.
Is when Pawn Stars.
chumlee developing historical materialist theory every single day fr
Having bought a lot of stuff in the past.
Dance to Kylie with the appropriate moves.
lmfao who’s kylie?
Kylie Madonna (I’m doubling down):
Keep the recites
Yes, you need to be able to recite everything you’ve ever bought and exactly when
I’m also crazy for going thru my comrades recite collections.
Collecting stamps
deleted by creator
Let them come. every lib dunked on is a moral victory, keep up the good work comrade DankZedong!
I read that in Optimus Prime’s voice.
I don’t even know wtf I’m looking at.
read theory…
Maybe make it more generic to really be cryptic. Literacy vs libs
Who’s libs? no idea. Reading what? still no idea. Why basketball is involved, cause kids like to ball.
I’ve always wondered why dunks were considered a big deal. They happen several times a game and are the same amount of points. Is that in theory somewhere? I’m lost by everything in this meme
In case anyone actually has some of these questions:
We’re a Marxist-Leninist instance, which means we’re communists.
Libs refers to people who follow liberalism, which applies to both the US’ Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
Theory refers to Marxist theory. We’re often famous for telling people to read things…
The basketball is because memes are way better than making a paragraph explaining like this.
Thanks for being the only one to actually explain anything
We get a lot of trolls from other instances, so some of these questions made people think you were doing it to troll us
I really hope this comment is some weird meta joke that I just don’t understand.
Yeah, because I’m sure American internet politicians are 100% serious and basketball is just a kid’s game. For a guy who thinks any progress is good, you seem to be pretty intent on keeping that progress as low as possible.
Aww someone’s upset their cryptic toilet tier meme meant for a hyper niche group isn’t understood. :(
DJT levels of fragile all up in here. Good luck spreading your ideals with confusing messaging and snarky comments.
>mfw when i don’t get a joke that i am not supposed to get
It’s a good thing if conservatives can’t understand our memes
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Maybe it is 😔 guess I should just wait for the liberal ideology to finally trickle down after 50 years
Rich westerners with access to all the treasures of the world’s literature, freely available, seconds away: “I can’t be bothered to read”.
WW1 soldiers suffering from the most brutal war in history:
We came down to the front of the Twelfth Army, back of Riga, where gaunt and bootless men sickened in the mud of desperate trenches; and when they saw us they started up, with their pinched faces and the flesh showing blue through their torn clothing, demanding eagerly, “Did you bring anything to read?”
- Jack Reed - the ten days that shook the world
To be empathetic to them, our schools fucking suck, they teach most people to hate reading really, it’s ingenious of the ruling class, teach your population to read but make it so torturous in school that the majority won’t use it to educate or even entertain themselves
Everything tankie is wishful thinking.
🆒Wow, damn, got’em dude😎 nah im just playin, that’s probably the stupidest thing I’ve read all week, read theory, loser
Yep, I really wish we could be like the US or the EU, and have the largest manufacturing economy in the world, and the biggest economy by PPP.
Oh wait – that’s China.
Reminiscent of the self referential in r/TheDonald where they thought they would ‘own’ liberals…
Same people kids, different flag.
Horseshoe theory amirite winkwink
Go harder. If we keep projecting the graph to lower dimensions until there’s just a point then you don’t have to waste a bullet on me anymore. Honestly we could simplify a lot of things this way. If you simplify enough you only need one of anything and you have everything. Bam. Post scarcity society and all of a sudden you don’t have to shoot me again.
When do I get to join Special Circumstances?
Edit: I’m confused about if you guys are in support of the massive oversimplification of the horseshoe bullshit or are getting a head start.
We don’t support the horseshoe BS at all — they were obviously being sarcastic
And I was agreeing with them that it’s bullshit.
And teasing you guys for wanting to kill me.
teasing you guys for wanting to kill me.
Sorry, just watched Valkyrie. In seriousness, though, we don’t want to kill you, although we’d hope you read what we really want. Even the anticommunists admit we’re not hiding it.
I know you don’t. I’m teasing you guys. You’ve got consistent ethics and an objective analysis so I don’t feel off kilter fucking with you. Just let me burn some government buildings during the revolution and we’ll be good.
Just be careful with the nukes, ok?
Fucking cracker.
I’m a blue collar worker paying union dues.
And I’m the King of England.
AmeriKrakkkers sexualizing everything
Not tryna be mean, what are you trying to say? Your comment was a bit confusing
It’s all good. When people cite horseshoe theory they’re taking a point in n-dimensional space and projecting it down to 1 dimension then manipulating it in two dimensions to claim they’re the same view. If we use the standard auth/libertarian 2d one, they took auth left and right to call you nazis. It’s braindead. Yeah. They’re both auth. That’s how fucking graphs work. Having to project it down to lower dimensions is just stunningly stupid.
I’m a voluntarist, but I share a lot of values and ethics with you guys so when some fuck whose political philosophy is probably just anything Trump doesn’t like comes in and pulls that shit I get a little frisky.
This is not a place where using big words to sound smart wins you acclaim. Nowhere is. You’ll do much better with other people if you can explain your point of view sincerely, instead of just trying to sound as big brained as possible when you communicate with people. You might think this makes you intelligent, but emotional intelligence is the true core of the intelligent individual. Learn to communicate ideas, learn to understand other’s ideas. If you’re the smartest person in the room, find a better room. If you think you are the smartest person in the room in every room, you’re not, you’re just an insecure idiot pretending to be smart. Real intelligence comes not from showing off the things you know, but from being eager to learn new things.
None of those are big words or difficult concepts. The first comment was entirely casual. They asked me to explain. I don’t think I necessarily even used the right terms, but I used the words I’m familiar with. I was legitimately trying to explain why I hate horseshoe people. You’ve got one thing right, though, all of my social ‘skills’ are learned via trial and error. They don’t make pills for that.
Fair enough, I was probably a bit too harsh there. This instance often gets trolls of the “smug debatebro” variety, who use big words they barely understand in an attempt to sound smart, but just make themselves look like idiots when they get things wrong.
No horseshoe here kiddo. You were always the same people.
DAE think red facism USSR real bad guys
Nah I just think naive idiot kids are naive idiot kids.
naive idiot kids
Weirdest daycare in the world then
I’d say you could make the same comment about the US congress, but that’s obviously a retirement home.
I laughed. 👍
Guys it looks like we were the real kids all along, guess it’s time to abandon marxism.
because only kids read books, adults read the news
real adults listen to podcasts
News like the… enters rabid anticom characterization China Bad Times?
The real vanguard party were the friends we met along the way!
Pack it up boys, this is peak liberalism right here 😂
The USSR defeated 70% of the german divisions in WW2, and paid the greatest cost in blood and suffering. They literally saved the world from Nazism.
The tides of the war were turned a full year and a half at Stalingrad, after which the US decided to get in the game to prevent a red europe.
The USSR defeated 70% of the german divisions in WW2, and paid the greatest cost in blood and suffering. They literally saved the world from Nazism.
Marxism-Leninism truly remains the cure for Fascism.
I don’t know…has anyone ever tried voting them out? Maybe that could work?
mfw russian hackers are the reason that americans still dont have healthcare
Fucking Russian hackers inventing systemic racism wtf
Wow, idk where to start. So first off, did you not read the meme? I assume you’re a lib who refuses to read theory. Secondly, just because Conservatives and socialists don’t like Liberals, doesn’t mean we’re the same. If you actually had read theory you would understand the basic fact that Conservatism IS Liberalism. From our perspective, conservatives will NEVER dunk on libs because they themselves are a type of liberal.
Okay cracker, go back to shilling for AFRICOM.
Go home, liberal, and take your horseshoe theory pseudoscience with you.
Horseshoe theory understander has entered the chat
Only people on lemmygrad are naval gazing children.
Its all fun and games to some one coops your circle jerk.
curious you call it a circle jerk yet here you are right in the center of the circle
Damn they really are the cracker 👀
yes honey, i agree with you. lemmygrad is indeed a fucking circlejerk while and beehaw are complete bastions of free speech that tolerate different opinions
naval gazing? As in, looking around with a telescope while on a ship?
lern 2 spel.
They are kinda bad at the naval gazing too:
Plus all the times when 7th fleet ships crashed into civilian vessels and ran aground in last few years.
This is indeed fun for us, doesnt look like fun to you tho.
Is hurling personal insults at anonymous PFPs on the internet the only weapon you libs have?
Says the one from, HAHA.
It’s just like in my redditerino guys!!1!
If you want to come here and be le epic chungus snarky redditor then go off but don’t expect not to be made fun when you are someone who calls Aaron Swartz “your hero”.