Many such cases in East Europe. For example the most prominent and important anticomunist propagandist in Poland, Adam Michnik, is the son of Ozjasz Szechter, accomplished marxist and chied editor of Polish edition of “Capital”, and Helena Michnik, very active communist and member of PRL secutiry apparatus.
And of course his fellow anticommunists never let Michnik of the hook for his Jewish and communist parents.
Hard to do that in capitalism though.
It’s literally in the country official coat of arms that is used everywhere lol
Btw. Mordor was not less real than Gondor and Rohan, there are snippets of lore here and there about it having a functioning economy, society and international relations, just in the book we mostly see the volcanic wilderness and hot war-condition military infrastructure in its west part.
Otto Von Bismarck is a cool name
Fun fact: Otto or similar exist(ed) independently in German, Etruscan and Punic languages, so in fact quite some people think it’s cool.
Usonia von der Lakai
Not really, it’s just two people of which one made a single comment and second one is flooding the thread. Plus 15 other downvotes, pretty tame for a lib brigading attempt.
Also there isn’t really anything like brigading on lemmy, it just occasionally shows up in their feed, same as we are sometimes getting some from random instances.
If it quacks like a duck…
Besides nice for you to move goalpost from addressing anything i said to petty nitpick, while still simping for NATO and genocide
No, it’s not existential for Russia.
See, first sentence and you already blow you complete lack of understanding of the situation. This war was never about Ukraine, it was about recolonisation of Russia. If they not reacted, they would have NATO missiles in their belly and probable destablilisation of government since Ukrainian ethnic cleansing of Donbas caused intervention to be rather popular in Russia.
They have the option of just going home. Their existence is not under threat.
People of Donbas didn’t. People of Russia in 90’s also didn’t and recolonisation of Russia would be repeat of that. You are absolutely fucking ghoulish defender of USA and their interest, with zero whatsoever understaing od imperialism, just primitive liberal vibes.
We’re having a conversation about Biden as compared to Trump. Trump would be giving more military aid to Israel and listening to the people less.
Right now Biden is doing everything he could, even using the presidential tools he never used to fullfil his promises to the people of USA. That’s pretty dedicated genocider. Listening to who and what? Well maybe he will listen to you since you simp for NATO and effectively defend genocide in Gaza, not so much if you would want healthcare though.
Again, Trump has more
Huh? Which country was a US proxy for Trump but suddenly not for Biden. Did Biden make US fuck off from somewhere? Maybe dismantled some bases? I see complete opposite.
But you’re also not actually participating in this conversation about whether Biden should be supported in a 2024 election against Trump.
Sure not, i’m not an American, i’m giving you an outside exaple how it is viewed by some of the rest of 95% of humanity and signalling you that your ignorance, egoism and american exceptionalism has effectively led you to simp for NATO and support genocide.
I’m not convinced he accelerated world war 3.
US directly participate in war against Russia which is more or less existential one for Russia. Same for Palestinian genocide which is worst ever, even worse than nakba. They provoke China both directly and through their proxies. Korea situation deteriorated to the point DPRK openly claim the right to military intervention once again and in OK there are fascists again in power. EU is being cannibalised and forced to also support and participate in all those. Yemen is being bombed once again. Iran is being threatened again. There is more terror than ever in Africa after “War on terror” spreaded there.
I don’t think US has been so belligerent ever actually. If that blows then trans people are gonna die like the rest, and not only in US but everywhere.
How edgy of them
Does this thing even have plumbing and running water, or are the unfortunate inhabitant running with buckets?
There’s also the fragment about children working several 24-hour shifts in a row, week after week nearby.
This isn’t unlikely too, but i would expect it more for Italy.
This is ham radio, as you can see it have nothing to do with pig’s ass except maybe cases when pig’s ass is using it.
Fucking Ventrue
Considering who is this neighbour, it’s basically cheat code for them.
Another one for
It’s useful for them because it allow to blame everything on Trump instead of recognising the role of all administrations since Obama in this precise issue, especially how Obama engineered it and Biden turned it into absolute catastrophe.