It’s absurd lol my job was complaining they can’t find anyone to work, yet they’re offering $16/hr for machinists that would need to drive an hour just to get here… It’s a joke
Someone I know that’s retired now (must be nice) said their government pension went up 6% last year because it follows inflation / cost of living. Ain’t nobody getting 6% salary raises in this economy, most are lucky if they get any raise at all, which really counts as a pay cut if food and rent keep going up
Sounds like you need a new job
Hmm, do I take the $16/hr that’s 1 hour away or the $17/hr that’s 90 minutes away…
You get paid for the hour of traffic tho, right?
What’s in the box?
A cat, of course. Why else would boxes exist, if not for cats?
Erwin Schrödinger wants to know your location.
He can know my location, or he can know my speed, but he can’t know both.
Does not work very well. Raising pat only works for about 6 to 8 months. Then you need another raise. So to stay truly happy and productive, more elements need to be introduced to the equation.
Mmm, I’m sure a pizza party will make up for them not being able to pay rent
Game show question: Is this the right talking about how to get better teachers, or the left talking about how to get better police?