I need y’all to understand: Biden isnt losing votes from the far left. He never had those votes, and could never get them.
He’s losing the votes of Muslims and Arabs in Michigan and Philly. He’s losing the votes of moderates who are watching Israel’s final solution in horror. He’s losing the votes of Latinos and Haitians who see the southern border is getting more militarized and more violent every year
[Edit] to be 100% clear: If you oppose Israel’s war on Palestine, but plan on voting for Biden this November,this post isn’t about you.
75% percent of democrats disapprove of the military action in Gaza.
People don’t vote a single issue.
Some other horrifying things are on the ballot this year. Authoritarianism, Christian nationalism, reproductive rights, women’s right to medical care, etc.
That’s why I was specific in calling them “Biden Democrats”. I’m not including all Democrats here, nor am I including all Biden voters. "[Name] [party members] " is a shorthand way of talking about either the wing of a party, or a voters whose views align with [name]. This genocide is decades in the making, and Biden’s wing of the party has been complicit the whole time.
If you vote for Biden, that doesn’t make you a “Biden Democrat”. Many people currently protesting the war and taking part in actions will end up voting for Biden this November. I won’t Shame them for doing what they think is best.
However, this is Biden’s legacy. This is what it means to be a “Biden Democrat”. Go ahead and vote for him, but for the love of Blåhaj, don’t embrace the fascist policies that he’s been pushing for decades.
You do realize under the Biden Administration this is the first time the US has ever even abstained from a vote on the security council against Israel? We’re actually seeing a moment where the US and Israel are legitimately talking about working together less… Real progress is being made. Sometimes politicians get stuck constantly supporting something that was once popular but no longer is. Voting for Biden doesn’t mean supporting genocide. It means trying to push the US back to out from this far right hellscape it’s slipped into. It means trying to end Trumps attempt at running for office and it means trying to put an end to MAGA fascists.
Biden isn’t a great president, but he’s at least a decent one that is trying to pay student debt off, cover more Americans with healthcare, and improve infrastructure around the country. All of which are things Trump didn’t remotely do. That’s not even including the obvious Trump destroying LGBT rights, or taking away women and minority rights, or abolishing mechanisms meant to help POC escape the cycle of poverty due to a broken system.
You do realize under the Biden Administration this is the first time the US has ever even abstained from a vote on the security council against Israel?
That’s because in the past, when the US finally thought Israel went too far, they would directly pressure Israel to stop. Carter did it. Regan did it. Biden could have done it, but he didn’t - either deliberately or through incompetence, it doesn’t matter. He continued sending arms to Israel and vetoing enforceable security council resolutions without using ANY of the enormous leverage the US gov has over Israel.
Do you not see the absurdity of rushing arms to a country committing genocide and claiming you oppose the genocide because you abstained from a resolution with no real enforcement possibility? It’s a sick fucking joke
Carter and Reagan didn’t have Russia, China and Iran spreading talking points to pressure the US to stop supporting Israel.
If your enemies are trying to pressuring you to do something, it’s normal to resist that pressure while you try to figure out what they are up to.
IMHO, over the decades, if you asked America’s Dems why they wanted to give aid to Israel, you’d likely hear that they wanted to help Jewish people to defend themselves, not that they wanted to help Israel attack its neighbors.
Now that Israel is aggressively on the offense, in a way not seen in decades, the Dems have to turn the cruise ship around so people don’t assume not aiding an offensive action ≠ supporting antisemitism.
Half of my family is Jewish-American, and it’s taken a few months for them to come around and understand that not supporting offensive action ≠ antisemitism. After WW2, and years of experiencing antisemitism, their shields are up. They immediately start to worry when people start aggressively scrutinizing a Jewish community, because that has usually been a precursor to some pretty bad shit.
I kind of get why Biden has felt the need to slow walk this. The history has made this a complex and nuanced thing.
Unfortunately, moving slow isn’t great for a people that are starving.
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And if you aren’t planning to vote for Biden, please go read Project 2025 and then explain your logic again, because what Trump and the Christian right has planned will be actual fascism, right in our own backyard.
I think it’s worth mentioning that Biden and his administration are putting more pressure on Israel to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, and it is actively deteriorating the US/Israel relationship (which I could care less about if it means helping those that need it.) Does this make up for him helping Israel in the first place? No! Of course not! But it does show that he is at the very least hearing some of the criticism of his actions, and is acting accordingly. Of course, I must also stare for the sake of transparency that they have definitely not stopped sending Israel weapons, but as the election approaches and more people voice their disapproval with sending weapons to Israel, that very well could happen in the coming months. If US/Israel relations do break down, it would at the very least mean Israel doesn’t get anymore weapons from us, and maybe we could push aid into Gaza regardless of what Isreal wants
Raytheon line must go up
They’re not actually applying pressure. When Reagan snapped his fingers the Israelis fell back. A US president could single handedly destroy their economy and ability to defend themselves if they really wanted to, so the fact that Israel has yet to come to heel is a clear indication that behind the scenes Biden is 100% supportive and just lying.
Florida latinos (Cubans, Venezuelans) looooove the conservative narrative that Dems are socialists that lead to dictatorships, and are so scared & truggered they will vote for the Republicans who actually are; the “Macho strongman” plays into thier psyche.
Haitians have always ben shat on by the US, if they are caught coming over/landing they’re shipped right back (as opposed to the Cuban standard of “one dry foot”: meaning if they manage to land thier boat and get on shore they can stay/seek asylum).
Switching away from first past the post voting allows people to vote for who represents them best while still counting their vote against those they dont want to win. Just search for videos on FPTP voting if you want an explanation on how and why the spoiler effect exists.
Electoral reform is possible in each individual state (for now), we dont need federal reform! Maine and Alaska have already passed electoral reform.
So what’s the hold up with the rest of the states? Consider starting a campaign to change how we vote in your own state! Force our representatives to compete with fresh outside ideas. We deserve the best representation, not excuses.
I need y’all to understand: Biden isnt losing votes from the far left. He never had those votes, and could never get them.
He (and the two party system) lost me when they had control of the senate and still couldn’t pass things like voting reform because of Manchen and Sinema.
Then Roe was overturned and they Dems said if I voted for them next election they’ll fix it, rather than trying to do anything now.
The more left I became the less likely I was to vote Biden. I had already decided to vote third party before the recent atrocities in Gaza.
Biden’s america is already fascism for anyone who’s queer, black, muslim, or woman. Using trump to threaten these people into submitting to another term of the same isn’t going to work.
How is Biden oppressing those groups? We are in this position (bans on healthcare, etc.) because Trump’s three SCOTUS picks overturned Roe v Wade and opened the door for all the insane fascist shit going on right now in the Republican controlled states. A majority of people live in Democratic controlled states that have protections for these groups. Things could get so much worse if Trump is given any more power. His first Presidency already set half of the states in the country back over 50 years in terms of women’s rights. He’s also promised to enforce the Comstock Act which would effectively ban abortion nationwide by preventing medical supplies used for abortion related healthcare to be sent in the mail. Not only that but hate crime rates have also gone up since Trump’s first Presidency enabled white supremacists to express their views more openly.
And Biden did anything to codify abortion rights in the remaining states that it’s allowed? How about packing SCOTUS? Or legislating to remove the blatantly corrupt judges that have proven they’ll do all they can to get any fascist into the presidency if not Trump.
People are facing a genocide whilst your wrinkle old fuck hands the perpetrators weapons to finish the job: gaslighting muslims, black people, and women to vote for a genocidal freak who did nothing to protect them at home OR abroad is a total affront to basic decency let alone sense.
Abortion is already codified in some states that are under Democratic control. But Biden is President of the US, not of each individual state. He doesn’t have the power to write or enforce state law. His Department of Justice is challenging some state laws in court. It is not codified at a federal level because Democrats do not have enough votes in the Senate or House to do that. Packing SCOTUS also would require Senate approval.
And I didn’t gaslight anybody or say who to vote for. I only asked how Biden contributes to a fascist America and pointed out that the extremism in this country resulted from Trump’s presidency. The damage that Trump did to this country will take generations to fix and Biden doesn’t have the power to fix everything on his own.
Are they being beaten, locked up, or killed currently? Because that’s what a Trump Presidency would mean.
Things can always get worse.