we should all be so lucky
we should all be so lucky
Oh man that’s …funny
Ah man, I was hoping someone would explain the explanation of the explanation for some laughs… But noooooooooo…
This is a more accurate comment, you can tell because the spelling is correct and the content is plausible.
That killing the rich will not be tolerated
Bernie got railroaded.
Dems have been nothing but a doormat for the last 30 years, the party of complicity. I’m absolutely positive they’ve been playing the dupe and moving the US further to the right all the while playing the victim.
Could have fixed the electoral college but didn’t. Could have codified abortion into the constitution but didn’t. Could have filled RBGs supreme court seat without Senate confirmation regardless of the pearl clutching, but didn’t. Could have put pressure on the justice department to get their investigation done with to get the trial for Trump for treason at least started…but fuck me, they didn’t… seriously- they couldn’t put a case together in 3 years???
Could have, should have, would have. Fucking useless.
The real magic is his right hand grows back
Wellllll…I mean if the military is interested in it, that may be a selling point
And misogyny…don’t forget to forget the little baby makers
Chocolate chip cookies are superior to brownies, plus it adds a better dosage control.
I will die on that hill.
New government bureau dedicated to making government bureaucracies less bureaucratic.
So I use about 1g of bud, not the shake for about 350g of butter for the recipe. Turns out more consistent, especially for dosages (works out to about 2.5mg per cookie).
That and my cookies are amazingly good.
Mine are vegan & there isn’t any skunkiness…I have to keep them clearly labeled in the freezer after I make them because you cannot tell the difference.
so remember during the BLM movement there was a march that went through a gated community (IIRC), and this dumpy little dude and his wife came out to their front lawn with an AR-15 & little pew pew pistol-bith brandishing it like they’ve never ever picked them up before but regardless, there they were, armed and ready to shoot someone or something.
now imagine that scenario with MAGA going in to a liberal gated community…what do you think would happen?
My money is on the MAGAs shooting (or worse) the couple who were just … incredulous and indignant about the whole thing up until they died.
America is ugly now, it will get a whole lot worse when they start shooting each other while those with means escape the chaos.