Afroman is still busy being a total chad and making music videos using footage of the corrupt sheriff’s department raiding his house without a warrant, FWIW.
The mod logs don’t lie and LWA has responded in this thread acknowledging the issue.
The news@lemmyworld mods admins have been banning people for criticizing the MBFC bot, so yeah, let’s just keep using bans until this place looks like Reddit again.
Edit: mods, not admins
Say anything negative about that stupid mbfc bot in !news and you’ll get a ban.
I think part of that is how many echo chamber instances have defederated from each other.
While I would normally agree loudly with you because he is human trash and the show sucked, it’s kinda the perfect level of trash and suck for this meme.
And if you aren’t planning to vote for Biden, please go read Project 2025 and then explain your logic again, because what Trump and the Christian right has planned will be actual fascism, right in our own backyard.
Living in the US for most of my life, and voting in every election, I can tell you your assumptions are incorrect: a few states control most of the power here due to the electoral college, and everything down to state and local initiatives gets lobbied into the ground by special interests.
These ships aren’t running a little electric prop that you can just route power to: it’s a massive diesel engine that needs to be capable of outputting thousands of pounds of torque constantly. It’s also a ship, in water, dealing with tides, currents and wind. There is no turning it or altering course without main engine power to move the ship relative to the water to make the rudder effective. Some large ships have steering screws that they can use to slip the ship sideways, but they are meant for minor corrections and maneuvers in calm water and have limited uses.