You do realize under the Biden Administration this is the first time the US has ever even abstained from a vote on the security council against Israel? We’re actually seeing a moment where the US and Israel are legitimately talking about working together less… Real progress is being made. Sometimes politicians get stuck constantly supporting something that was once popular but no longer is. Voting for Biden doesn’t mean supporting genocide. It means trying to push the US back to out from this far right hellscape it’s slipped into. It means trying to end Trumps attempt at running for office and it means trying to put an end to MAGA fascists.
Biden isn’t a great president, but he’s at least a decent one that is trying to pay student debt off, cover more Americans with healthcare, and improve infrastructure around the country. All of which are things Trump didn’t remotely do. That’s not even including the obvious Trump destroying LGBT rights, or taking away women and minority rights, or abolishing mechanisms meant to help POC escape the cycle of poverty due to a broken system.
It’s pronounced Z for “get out of Z car.”