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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • You do realize under the Biden Administration this is the first time the US has ever even abstained from a vote on the security council against Israel? We’re actually seeing a moment where the US and Israel are legitimately talking about working together less… Real progress is being made. Sometimes politicians get stuck constantly supporting something that was once popular but no longer is. Voting for Biden doesn’t mean supporting genocide. It means trying to push the US back to out from this far right hellscape it’s slipped into. It means trying to end Trumps attempt at running for office and it means trying to put an end to MAGA fascists.

    Biden isn’t a great president, but he’s at least a decent one that is trying to pay student debt off, cover more Americans with healthcare, and improve infrastructure around the country. All of which are things Trump didn’t remotely do. That’s not even including the obvious Trump destroying LGBT rights, or taking away women and minority rights, or abolishing mechanisms meant to help POC escape the cycle of poverty due to a broken system.

  • While you’re in what looks like a 90s Honda, for newer sedans that are at the same height I always tell people I’d rather be in my small car in an accident than my giant 2500. Humans are real stupid and think that bigger = safer, but for cars and trucks it’s basically the opposite. The worst vehicle in the states to be in during an accident is a truck. Often SFA trucks have steering columns without much of a shear making for a giant harpoon aimed at your body during a crash. In every category the best these trucks can muster for accident ratings is “poor” and that’s if they’re lucky.

  • mean_bean279@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldAaaaaand it's over
    1 year ago

    Part of my background is in sysadmin (MDM) and AV. I’m METICULOUS about how things sound. I frequently check audio devices and always ask others on calls if it sounds good. I mostly talk to sales people now that are in an office on headsets and we’re all outgoing and straight forward enough that we would just tell someone immediately.

    If you’re in public I wouldn’t be on speaker. It’s rude, annoying, and the mics change dynamics to pickup other voices as well, but in the comfort of my home for calls where I don’t want to put in/on headphones it’s much more comfortable to be on speaker.

  • mean_bean279@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldAaaaaand it's over
    1 year ago

    You do know you can be on speaker phone and not in public, right? You’re talking about one specific situation but breaking it down as if all people using speaker phone are somehow bad…

    When I’m on speaker phone it’s in my own home when no one else is around. It’s a comfortable way for me to talk on a phone and it doesn’t bother anyone.

  • mean_bean279@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldAaaaaand it's over
    1 year ago

    You do know that when you switch to speaker phone it’s often switching the microphone setup, right? Like it’s going from earpiece to conference call setup… it’s not like it stays the same and blows out the other end. We have the technology to control noise input and background. This was ~ maybe ~ true of older phones, but it certainly isn’t today.

    I talk on the phone like this due to being a walker & talker. So I pull up my work systems on my phone to update notes and email people as I’m talking. If that were the case the dozens of phone calls a day would tell me I’m way too loud.

  • Yup, it’s part of why the idea of rescuing them was never going to happen either. There’s only something like 3 subs in the world that can dive to that depth and they weren’t close enough nor built for rescue missions. Even if they were alive they only had 3 days worth of oxygen. Honestly they’re lucky that the “sub” just imploded rather than dealing with the slow loss of oxygen.

  • mean_bean279@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlI remember, assholes
    1 year ago
    • The US military heard it and didn’t necessarily want to give away capability of listening devices around the sea floor.

    • The sub was difficult to get to the debris field because it was at an incredibly deep section that few craft are capable of reaching safely.

    It was frustrating they made a big deal about something we ultimately could have done nothing about in the first place. However it’s not like the whole “hearing the implosion” thing was something the military wanted to give away and at that depth we have to be careful. Don’t forget we’ve put more people into space than have been to the deepest point on the planet.

  • My comment wasn’t just limited to the foxbat incident. I grew up in a VERY Russian immigrant area and every single one of the 1st gen kids ate up Russian Propaganda and spit it back out. Things like how the Su line of jets was superior, or how their ships were incredibly capable, to the “hypersonic” missiles they claimed would defeat anything the US had and wouldn’t be able to knock them out of the sky with anti-missile systems. Russia as a country has a MASSIVE problem with overstating their capability, power and projection. Outside of the USSR we should never consider them on the same footing as the USA.

  • A tale as old as time. Russia claiming something, then claiming that something is the greatest thing ever made. Then everyone finding out it’s actually awful, wouldn’t even meet the minimum requirements and generally is just mid in all categories and doesn’t revolutionize anything.

    Their history has told us the same thing over and over again and people still fall for their awful propaganda.

  • Don’t forget to help those communities out in the beginning. I’m big into Trap music, and thankfully the trap community migrated over to Lemmy somewhat, but it also requires me to post more and comment even more than I did before to help build those communities up. Content is what helps these communities grow, and especially good content. Keep people on topic for communities where they’re specifically on a topic. Like Twitter it was never going to be a day one knock out, but like Twitter it’s about a slow bleed over time that eventually leads to a demise.