An anarchist would take off the capitalist mask to reveal hierarchy
An anarchist would take off the capitalist mask to reveal hierarchy
THATS MY ORDER! Actually slightly different. I go medium iced regula and a strawberry sprinkle (which is what’s pictured)
This is ancient
(Not complaining)
Not just to make noise, it’s mainly to wake people tf up at lights, or like the other poster said, to let them know theyre drifting outta the lane. And yes, some vengeance honks as well.
Lol. I’m really not an aggressive driver, but honk like a motherfucker. It keeps traffic moving at Rush hour. East Coast cities be like 🤗📣
Bad analogy because invasive plants all come from an ecosystem where they’re not problematic. Like, kudzu is fine in its native habitat.
Nazis are more like toxic waste - not good anywhere, except buried deep below the surface of the earth, along with signage about how this is not a place of honor
Pipepipe is pretty good on F-droid, although Idk how it compares
The wim hoff method of curing depression
Open camera is the best
Conservatives hate wetlands, so they also hate beavers. I wish I was kidding or grossly oversimplifying, but it’s the truth.
Lol. Reminds me of the reentext that went something like:
Move to new city while taking MtF HRT. Dress a a man, and Tell people you’re a trans man. After a year, start dressing like a woman and tell people you’re detransitioning. People now think you’re a cis woman.
Average krokodill enjoyer
These aren’t commie blocks, and they usually aren’t replacing single family homes. They’re most problematic when replacing older multi unit buildings, because they’re taking low income housing and replacing it with housing only upper income people can afford (plus a couple low income units to say that they’re trying). And they get tax breaks to do this gentrification, after years of neglecting the upkeep on the older buildings it’s replacing.
Angry only because you’re exposing that she’s a communist sleeper agent. Keep it under wraps until she’s in
Impossible to choose! Can’t go wrong with shiitake for breakfast, lunch and dinner tho
Am I the only one who thought that was a polypore mushroom on the rim, and a gilled one in the drink?
Try monotherapy!