I am reporting you to graineater for not upvoting my comment
My apologies
I would forgive you but I can see the above comment lacks a serious amount of upvoting be sure graineater will hear about this
we at Lemmygrad Inc.™ are aware of administrator DankZedong™'s chronic lack of Oppo-upvoting (internally referred to as Oppvootingpat. pend.) and will be enacting disciplinary measures
I would like to thank you for your quick responds Chairrodent™ I have full faith in that the Lemmygrad Inc.™ administration team will act accordingly.
But I would like to state I do not seek disciplinary measures just an Oppvootpat. pend.We have news on your report. Administrator DankZedong has been ground into a fine paste that will shortly be sold as a bread spread (patent pending)
Thank you. This was not the desired result but I understand it had to be done. Nontheless I am looking forward to try the DankZedong™️ bread spread pat pen when it becomes available
Is your lemmy theme a way to train yourself noticing enemy snipers in the snow?
The glaring white light keeps me awake during these dark days
If you can’t handle me at my Rania Rudhan you don’t deserve me at my Oppo
Same energy
Who is Mike? All I see is Waltuh and Finger.
Mike from FnaF 1
I picture lemmygrad as being the encyclopedic knowledge of Yogthos coupled with the sardonic wisdom of PolandIsAStateOfMind
Don’t forget Anarcho-Bolshevik.
And the rest of us fucks posting memes about breaking bad but Gus is Trotsky somehow
Mike please let me talk with Gus please I promise I will deliver the newspapers please just let me talk with him I promise there will be no more problems Mike I swear
I dont tell people this because i am afraid but i only shower like once a week and im not stinky. Anytime ive mentioned this to anyone they say something along the lines of, “you just get noseblind to it” but the only people truly aware of my showering habits are my roommate and my girlfriend and they say im not stinky. When i originally started living with my roomate he outright asked me how i do not smell like shit. I still clean my dick regularly though because even if it isnt stinky it would be gross if i didnt.
Im convinced i dont produce the stinky chemical as readily as most people. Even after the gym i am not stinky. It makes my girlfriend mad because she wants to “smell my stinky” but anytime i sweat i end up just smelling like outside for a bit.
maybe fucking sharks is the secret to this
You can’t smell of human stink if you’re constantly surrounded with the glorious aura of sweet fishy love.
New theoretical ground gets broken here every day
Might as well rename this community Qiushi
I’m of an opinion that your body attempts to find an equilibrium in relation to it’s enviroment. If you shampoo your hair everyday? Your body is going to overproduce hair oil. Wash your skin everyday with soap? Overproduces skin oils. Etc. Add in that everyone’s body is different and you run into the reality that a one size fits all washing routine is flawed. I know for my hair that shampooing it more than every month ruins it, and my hair is not greasy because water and conditior is enough. The main thing I’m trying to remove from my body is external dirt and piss/shit/cum.
The main thing I’m trying to remove from my body is external dirt and piss/shit/cum.
So real
You have curly hair as well i imagine? I started showering less in highschool because i was trying to express my curls and it eventually reduced to once a week. In part because of executive dysfunction and but mostly because it made my hair look nice. Id wash my hair even less (it takes forever to get greasy) but i have a skin condition on my scalp that gets so fucking terrible after a week without medicated shampoo. Its probably for the best though, i shouldnt shower even less lol. Not trying to push those bounderies
I do, my hair looks great when I don’t shower lol
I made a big post above, but everyone washes their hair too much and dries it the fuck out. Your scalp excretes oils to keep your hair pretty good on its own if you just rinse it with water every couple days. You will have a week or so of greasy hair after stopping but your body will quickly adjust to not having detergent rubbed on your head daily and cut down the oil to where it should be pretty quick and your hair will be way better in the end both in health, appearance and ease of styling. When it’s not constantly dried out you’ll find it’s thicker and more malleable for styling.
The main thing I’m trying to remove from my body is external dirt and piss/shit/cum.
Pretty much, this is what most people probably should focus on, and doing so for the most part smells and hygiene alike shouldn’t be an issue. I rarely use shampoo or conditioner, oftentimes don’t even wash my hair or let it wet (heavy water), and most of the time I’m not soaping down entirely, just where it’s needed (genitals and below, also armpits though mine don’t stink but it fits- sometimes the face as well but then I’m probs gonna moisturize after as I hate the feeling of dry skin and was raised w/ it as a habit).
I cannot overstate this enough, if you are using shampoo more than like once a week MAX, it’s too much. When you stop you will experience a graeasy hair week as your body is used to overproduction oils to make up for the shampoo but after that it’s smooooth sailing. I rinse with water twice a week or so and shampoo maybe once a month if that and my hair has been absolutely fantastic ever since. Like, I’m pretty hot tbh, but holy hell do I have fucking fantastic hair and I really gotta say the main player was not over washing it. My schedule is probably a bit light but my hair is dyed and I don’t wanna have it fade either. But yeah, daily shampoo is no good and once you’re past that threshold you’ll have way healthier and nicer hair and save shower time and shampoo money. I get fancy purple stuff to hold my bright ass hair color and a bottle last over a year.
Wash your skin everyday with soap? Overproduces skin oils. Etc.
Ah, uh oh… at least when it comes to one’s own face, one should took heed of that… I kinda learned that the hard way
That being said, other than that, I can see your point in that
a one size fits all washing routine is flawed…
If I use soap on my face too much I just break out
@Aru@lemmygrad.ml omg it’s us
On one hand yes, on the other hand- I’m aware it may be rooted in classist, ableist, problematic influences- and having been homeless, having worked manual labor jobs, having struggled with mental health and continuing to struggle, etc- I think I can say I “get it” on some degree- but stinking is a line I feel I will never allow myself to cross, certainly not past whatever short instance if any occurs where I can then shower and get a change of clothes- and it I suppose is also privilege that thankfully, I have never had to go without beyond- at the worst instance one sole time- a week on the streets in the tropical sun years ago, outside of which I have only had such issues of lack of access, overnight or a day or two.
I was raised poor, still am though I hope to better my lot. My family had a whole bunch of classist and ableist stigmas, particularly around mental health. Perhaps I can’t move past that with myself- and I also, while treating those who fall short of it with decency- simply do not like the smell of particularly bad B.O. And I suppose being east Asian I feel at least a bit fortunate for my genes, which I’d assume along with my preferred lifestyle tend to leave me far less stinky than if I were not. But stinking is a line that even at my lowest, to whatever ability I can (manual labor/etc would be understandable in the moment), I dare not cross. It’s one line in the sand of many that I have drawn for myself- because as I tell myself, I have suffered enough indignities in life- “dignity,” however classist and ableist it may be defined in my personal hangups about it, is important to me- and having a bad B.O. would be a step too far, falling into the abyss to me.
No offense to those who do. But I just can’t, myself. I won’t shame anyone for it or treat them with any less decency, and no doubt in countries or regions where water is in short supply I could see things getting bad even for myself- but it’s a line I don’t want to cross and will resist to the best of my ability.
I like showers.
Showering is an unjustified hierarch- NO MOM! I’m NOT going to clean my room!
welp, i live in a ableist country 🇧🇷 . also the oc comrade dreamed he was here, lmao.
The dichotomy of man
There’s different types of stink and some are better than others and I’m pretty sure this is based on my own prejudice and preference as well as olfactory association being pretty powerful, but punks stink ans are known to, so do nerds. However, punks have a good stink and nerds have a bad stink. I’ve been a crustie for like 15 years now and also have ran merch at nerd conventions and punks have more of a deep fryer thst had cooked too many spring rolls kinda smell combined with booze sweat and an overall mist of weed and cigarettes and its more of an outdoorsy musky smell that I find kinda nice but admittedly probably cause I associate it with my pals and fun times. I can identify most of my friends by smell. Nerds have more of a stagnant indoors moldy stank, and sort of a chemical smell with it, either a cover up body spray that makes it worse by adding a chemical sweetness to their sour aroma. They smell like a gym locker that hasn’t been opened in years with the hint of pool chroline wafting in. Nerds smell nauseating.
Punks smell like rebellion, the sort of smelly nerds you’re talking about smell like misogyny and anime.
Nerds smell like someone else’ wet dog. Punks smell like your wet dog.
Is this a copypasta
Would you like it to be one
I’m ambivalent
Simply astounding post
If you can exfoliate, loofahs made with the actual gourd fiber, or bath towel with a good texture, that helps get the smells out since you’re mechanically cleaning out your pores instead of superficially, and it keeps your skin soft.