Or Palestine
Or Afghanistan
Or El Salvadore
I’m ambivalent
Nerds smell like someone else’ wet dog. Punks smell like your wet dog.
I made a big post above, but everyone washes their hair too much and dries it the fuck out. Your scalp excretes oils to keep your hair pretty good on its own if you just rinse it with water every couple days. You will have a week or so of greasy hair after stopping but your body will quickly adjust to not having detergent rubbed on your head daily and cut down the oil to where it should be pretty quick and your hair will be way better in the end both in health, appearance and ease of styling. When it’s not constantly dried out you’ll find it’s thicker and more malleable for styling.
I cannot overstate this enough, if you are using shampoo more than like once a week MAX, it’s too much. When you stop you will experience a graeasy hair week as your body is used to overproduction oils to make up for the shampoo but after that it’s smooooth sailing. I rinse with water twice a week or so and shampoo maybe once a month if that and my hair has been absolutely fantastic ever since. Like, I’m pretty hot tbh, but holy hell do I have fucking fantastic hair and I really gotta say the main player was not over washing it. My schedule is probably a bit light but my hair is dyed and I don’t wanna have it fade either. But yeah, daily shampoo is no good and once you’re past that threshold you’ll have way healthier and nicer hair and save shower time and shampoo money. I get fancy purple stuff to hold my bright ass hair color and a bottle last over a year.
There’s different types of stink and some are better than others and I’m pretty sure this is based on my own prejudice and preference as well as olfactory association being pretty powerful, but punks stink ans are known to, so do nerds. However, punks have a good stink and nerds have a bad stink. I’ve been a crustie for like 15 years now and also have ran merch at nerd conventions and punks have more of a deep fryer thst had cooked too many spring rolls kinda smell combined with booze sweat and an overall mist of weed and cigarettes and its more of an outdoorsy musky smell that I find kinda nice but admittedly probably cause I associate it with my pals and fun times. I can identify most of my friends by smell. Nerds have more of a stagnant indoors moldy stank, and sort of a chemical smell with it, either a cover up body spray that makes it worse by adding a chemical sweetness to their sour aroma. They smell like a gym locker that hasn’t been opened in years with the hint of pool chroline wafting in. Nerds smell nauseating.
If you play bass just downtune, you’re playing distorted, embrace the buzz. Also I don’t like djent so.probably ignore me
What is odd is just how fast that rug got pulled out. I’m friends with a few people in medical jobs and they all encouraged to sign petitions to make right to die legal and all thatand the terms NEVER EVER had anything close to cases outside the already terminal. I think there was an assumption of medical ethics.
My grandfather took the option a while back when nit was pretty new and the eugenics angle hadn’t become entangled. He was dying of COPD and chose to cut things off on his own terms surrounded by family instead of letting himself degrade for maybe years and putting my grandmother through all that. That was the situation this was advertised as when it was under debate for legislation and then a couple years later, really a very short period of time all of this awful shit that was not at all part of the deal suddenly came with it.