~~https://mastodon.social/@omegahaxors~~ My mastodon account has been permanently suspended. I have my data exported so I can start my account up again, if I ever do that I will update my account link here, but with bad of a taste the platform has put in my mouth, I probably won’t migrate.
POV you’re playing the most colour-saturated war shooter
One of LemmyML’s admins will occasionally post funny reports they get, it’s always a treat.
Christianity and Christians who have their own custom-built version that gets them off scot free, name a more iconic duo.
It’s based in rugged hypercapitalist bootstrap thinking. If something is broken just do it yourself! Even though that’s never realistic, and even if it were, no one person can or should be expected to do everything.
Kind of an an-prim take. Understand the technology you’re using. The only thing you should take for granted is that any opportunity tech has to spy on you has already been exploited by multiple outlets. Use your worst possible faith and you’ll probably still fall short of what’s happening.
It’s insufferable how people will respond to “We shouldn’t let corporations do this” with “OK SO YOU WANT THE GOVERNMENT TO DO IT?!?!”
If I ever get off my ass and make that game I am going to rub my nipples and respond every time a mac user sends in a support ticket asking why their game isn’t working with “because it’s a mac”
Jesus Christ being painted in the sand on a beach.
I once visited a friend’s house and when I saw their computer’s desktop I dragged LoL to the trash bin and they didn’t even try to stop me.
Also blowing the door out as well.
Your username is funnier that that guy’s comment.
Buy some supplements that contain Vitamin D and Iron. Most people are deficient and it affects their mood. I got some meal replacements that basically contain everything and it’s kept me in good spirits while everything is going to shit. I should be depressed, but I’m not.
EDIT: Iodine too. The over-the-counter stuff is called “kelp” and the reason they don’t put it in multivitamins is because it metabolizes into a substance that in excess will give you gout. Iodine is hard to get from your diet so having supplements every now and then is important.
“Dopamine Detox” and “NoFap” guys are trying to get you frustrated so you’re easier to radicalize. This is a long and storied fascist recruitment tactic. The worse you feel the more likely you are to find community within their circles, and that’s when they get you.
Isn’t that JonTron the neo-nazi? I thought people stopped watching him after he outed himself. He’s still around?
“What’s a computer?” - Apple 2017
Newsflash: That’s already how it works. By voting a party that is complicit in genocide you are setting the bar below not doing genocide.
Everyone thinks they’re smart but once you open your mouth that’s when the truth will be revealed.