today i saw endocrinologist for the first time, hope is restored
He spent 20 hours on
, watch what happened to her body!I don’t have any real urge to change genders but if there was a way I could be a cute girl on a whim for a period of time of my choosing, I’d do it. They have better clothes and fashion sense.
I hope your transition journey is successful!
I still don’t know if this is egg behaviour or completely normal for most guys
I would disagree this is egg behavior because that implies I want to change permanently, and I don’t. I’m not the authority on that kind of stuff though.
At the end of the day it’s how you feel, I think it’s completely normal for people to wonder what living as the other gender must be like, before I discovered I was trans I was a bit obsessed with it.
But yes I agree with you :)
an egg is figuring it out still, being trans implies the person wants to change. big difference. an egg can come out cis, or trans.
Won’t have to keep relying on his Sexy jutsu to feel like himself anymore.
But they can still multiply :)
may ranma ½ be with you
Imagine putting is that much effort to change yourself and still being a weeb in the end
imagine caring
about what?
if someone is a weeb or not
Who said I cared about that
the tone of your comment said that
Well that’s odd
Well then, fingers crossed that you can start your HRT journey soon.
I have to wait another 4 months before I get the prescription, in the meantime I have to see a gender affirming psychologist and get my blood work done
Ah, I have no idea how this works and if 4 months is quick, slow, or normal. Regardless, I hope you have a good journey.
from what I understand, it can be (usually) prescribed immediately here in australia, I just have more going on
Oh, okay. I hope you can work through what is going on well too then.
It took three years to obtain the Amy plushie
If you think that is hard enough, try to obtain the Cirno fumo plush
Original legitimate set, brand new