This implies the existence of Sqrt(Gay) What happens when the Gay is negative huh!?
Hello, I’m here to change your sexuality, there is no such thing as straight or gay, in my opinion we are all pansexual, but some of us are gynephilic (attracted to feminity) others androphilic (attracted to masculinity) some are both.
Of course women can be masculine and men can be feminine, what matters is presentation, you’re attracted to presentation not gender.
Ergo if a femboy is so feminine that you’re attracted to them it’s normal, it just means you like feminine presenting individuals. (Means you’re straight, but what does straight even mean bruh)
However there is something important to take into account, romantical attraction, you can only want to date women but like a more manly presentation in that case you are still androphilic BUT you’re romantically attracted to women. Which is probably an oversimplification of butch lesbianism, or liking tomboys.
This is my theory on the subject, it’s probably flawed somewhere but I need other eyes to see it.
All in all, like who you want, be who you want.
What is the one on the bottom left?
That would be a banger, but who would host the servers?
Sunscreen probably has something to do with it.
Then don’t feed them?
Never needed caffeine, I tried it multiple times and it makes me super stressed it’s the reason I avoid sodas now.
Great I’m very happy for you! :)
Better than drinking coffee tbh
I think about being a girl and wearing cute skirts and thigh highs, and I also think about girls wearing cute skirts and thigh highs.
Double it and give it to the next person 💜😎
Hello I am Andrew Tate, I’ll take none of that money, taking the money wouldn’t give me the drive to build a side hustle as a male escort, you need to understand that to get rich you need to be on the grind, so keep your money poorfag, I’ll be grinding from 3am to 11pm to buy myself a Bugatti.😤
(This is a joke do not take this seriously)
No matter what you do the feds can spy on you, to escape this is actually quite simple though:
Step 1: make your own computer
Step 2: make your own OS
Step 3: make your own Tor like browser
Step 4: connect to Lemmy
Step 5: shitpost uwu
We’ve abolished monarchy, we can abolish gender.
Ok this is absolutely insane XD
I actually play pogo too!
Never had a job I would be so down to do something like this, but instead I have to go through interview after interview just for them to say they found someone better qualified, come on it’s just bussing tables it doesn’t require a PhD 💀