Calculating animations and game mechanics assuming a constant 30 FPS worked well for Eternal Ring, it’ll be fine for Elden Ring.
I take my shitposts very seriously.
Calculating animations and game mechanics assuming a constant 30 FPS worked well for Eternal Ring, it’ll be fine for Elden Ring.
Just a few short months and it’ll grow into a proud spanning tree.
Sci-fi shows about ancient Egypt: 𝚲
Hey, you. You’re finally woke. (cognitohazard warning, it’s pure, distilled brainrot)
Femboys are.
(I don’t and have never used autocorrect on this phone, but I can still affirm their existence)
ORP Piorun with its new rocket boosters: “And I took that personally.”
I’ve seen Don’t Look Up. Having the technology to carry out a mission like that is the easy part.
Do the “yes, and” routine. You can’t deny that it happened, and deflecting blame (even if valid) will look like desperate damage control. Don’t bring up the topic, and if the others do, make them look weird for it.
Own it, otherwise you’ll be the person who got caught looking at femboys.
You can control how an embarrassing situation plays out. Take it from an expert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMij8LspzHk
Not useless, but it can go bad much quicker. A few years ago I lost a rotary hoe because the engine had been damaged and the carburetor had gotten clogged. The fuel was less than a year old, but closer in color to cooking oil.
If gasoline sits in open air or a non-sealed container for a long time, its lighter fractions will eventually evaporate. The heavier fractions can cause blockages and misfires. It can still be used, but you have to dilute it with fresh gasoline. If it happens while inside an engine, the carburetor should be rinsed with fresh gasoline to remove clogs.
I don’t understand, please show me which part of this bike needs gasoline to function.
Olympus? Babylon, at best.
Some, but the output drops significantly. Solar panels like direct sunlight. Even a thin cloud layer can reduce the output just by both blocking and diffusing sunlight.
(The graphs are just for illustration, I have no context for them)
A car-sized EV’s convenience is wasteful when energy is scarce and other options are available.
Zombie flicks are not exactly known for their strict adherence to realism. Residential power would likely be the first to go, if only to reserve generator capacity and fuel for military, medical, and government facilities, and rich assholes’ mansions.
Maintaining the electric grid takes an incredible amount of work and the tight cooperation of all of its facilities. If one or several large generator were to shut down, it might cause a cascading collapse. Executing a black start is a massive challenge at the best of times, and probably impossible in a post-collapse society.
Without the power grid to back them up, solar panels are only as reliable as the weather. A week of overcast skies will drain everything you have in your batteries. No output during the night either. There’s also the problem of theft, vandalism, natural wear, and the difficulty of finding replacement parts.
If you have solar energy and a way to store it, it should be used for more vital applications, like lights, cooking, and refrigeration.
good in a zombie Apocalypse
…as a makeshift barricade when it inevitably runs out of juice. Perhaps as an explosive trap. You could strip it for parts and resources. But for transportation? Fuck no. A vehicle is only as reliable as its source of fuel. Keeping the electric grid alive would be impossible in a fallen society.
If you want reliable mobility in a zombie apocalypse, get on a bike.
Jamie Hyneman lookalike champion receiving his prize.
Soooo, they walked it back. https://lemmy.world/post/24882107
No, Vaporeon being the odd one out is accurate.