$2000 a month, utilities aren’t included
In Kansas, maybe!
That is how cats are made.
What would you need a blanket for when you’ve got a fort?
I think someone accidentally loaded cat software into the kid
Yes, Humandows replaced by one of the many variants of CatOS.
deleted by creator
Bro had a box. He’s fine
Clever kid. Has problem, finds solution.
I relate to the kid. I once slept under the couch cushions because it was more comfortable to be kinda warm than to be cold sleeping on top. Buddy was the first to pass out and it was like 2 am and I didn’t know where an extra blanket was.
Why do I have the urge to slide the box around? What is it about a small weight inside of a cardboard box on hardwood flooring that gives me this urge?
Because it would be tremendously fun for everyone involved! Kids love that stuff, just make sure there’s nothing on which they’ll bang their heads.
Thinking outside the box.
Incredible, how did he afford that house!?