Taylor Swift fans are annoying. Maga inbreeds are obnoxious. If I had to choose though it would be the Swifties because at least they’re not shitting where they eat.
No Swiftie has ever endangered my basic rights or the functioning of my country, or the survival of other democracies abroad. I’ll take Swifties any day of the week.
Also, I’ve never actually heard Taylor Swift’s music.
It’s definitely some of the better music on the radio. If you’re forced to listen to the radio, like at work, there’s far more annoying songs than hers.
And I mean, not for nothing, but Swifties are just doing what fans are supposed to do. Spending shitloads of money on concert tickets, buying merch, and generally being moderately obsessive about the famous person that has their attention, for however long they’re part of a fan community.
You know what they remind me of, actually? Obsessive metalheads, who love a specific metal band. Importantly, most of them are not fans because they’re sexually attracted to the people in the band. They actually listen to the music, as the music that they listen to. And then they start identifying with the whole thing, as a subculture. That’s what I see, with the Swifties. Most of them are heterosexual women, who are into Taylor Swift’s music, both as music and as a subculture they can identify with, in a harmless way.
Note that metalheads have also been vilified in their time. Ironically, old people called them devil-worshippers, just like some old people are literally calling Taylor Swift a devil-worshipper and/or illuminati blood-drinker (seriously).
But we all know that’s insane nonsense, on both counts. For my two cents, being a fan of something on the level of “I really love this music and this musical artist” is a positive step above the groupie style fans, who just want to fuck their heartthrob singer/guitarist of choice. I’m not actually judging anyone for that behavior either, but I think that’s just less interesting and more annoying to see.
MAGA motherfuckers, on the other hand…they’re a fucking cult. They want to see their fucking leader take over the country and/or world, then proceed to smite and torture their (largely imaginary) enemies. That ain’t fandom. Or, if it is fandom, it’s the kind that’s taken SO FAR OUT OF PROPORTION that it takes on a quality of horror all its own, and doesn’t bear comparing to any normal variety of fandom.
Taylor Swift fans are annoying. Maga inbreeds are obnoxious. If I had to choose though it would be the Swifties because at least they’re not shitting where they eat.
No Swiftie has ever endangered my basic rights or the functioning of my country, or the survival of other democracies abroad. I’ll take Swifties any day of the week.
Also, I’ve never actually heard Taylor Swift’s music.
It’s pretty good. I don’t seek it out, but I enjoy it when I hear it.
It’s definitely some of the better music on the radio. If you’re forced to listen to the radio, like at work, there’s far more annoying songs than hers.
That is one absolute honker of a “yet.” That “yet” could be a destination mountain climb. That “yet” could take a 16hr car ride to get across.
I think until we see a Swifty militia with a cereal or other breakfast food based imitation ceremony, we probably dont have much to worry about.
It was a sarcastic joke. “Your chances of dying to a Swiftie are low but never zero” kinda thing.
And I mean, not for nothing, but Swifties are just doing what fans are supposed to do. Spending shitloads of money on concert tickets, buying merch, and generally being moderately obsessive about the famous person that has their attention, for however long they’re part of a fan community.
You know what they remind me of, actually? Obsessive metalheads, who love a specific metal band. Importantly, most of them are not fans because they’re sexually attracted to the people in the band. They actually listen to the music, as the music that they listen to. And then they start identifying with the whole thing, as a subculture. That’s what I see, with the Swifties. Most of them are heterosexual women, who are into Taylor Swift’s music, both as music and as a subculture they can identify with, in a harmless way.
Note that metalheads have also been vilified in their time. Ironically, old people called them devil-worshippers, just like some old people are literally calling Taylor Swift a devil-worshipper and/or illuminati blood-drinker (seriously).
But we all know that’s insane nonsense, on both counts. For my two cents, being a fan of something on the level of “I really love this music and this musical artist” is a positive step above the groupie style fans, who just want to fuck their heartthrob singer/guitarist of choice. I’m not actually judging anyone for that behavior either, but I think that’s just less interesting and more annoying to see.
MAGA motherfuckers, on the other hand…they’re a fucking cult. They want to see their fucking leader take over the country and/or world, then proceed to smite and torture their (largely imaginary) enemies. That ain’t fandom. Or, if it is fandom, it’s the kind that’s taken SO FAR OUT OF PROPORTION that it takes on a quality of horror all its own, and doesn’t bear comparing to any normal variety of fandom.
All that work and they didn’t even change “MALT liquor” to “MAGA liquor”? That’s just lazy, man.
I read your wall of text, and I agree.