Vulgarian sound like “vulva.” It was probably that weak similarity to dirty, evil sex that got the line cut.
Vulgarian sound like “vulva.” It was probably that weak similarity to dirty, evil sex that got the line cut.
Check out propublica. They partner with a lot of local journalists to tease out deeper stories, often in topics that aren’t getting much press. They would absolutely appreciate a donation.
Can’t say I agree about the hair or the mess. These are two different characters interacting with each other.
It looks like Kirks holding his hands over his hair in the 1st frame, but you can see the same “crown” baldness he shows in the 2nd, which is consistent with the character from the show.
The 3rd cell is an entirely different character, a hybrid of Kirks boss from the cracker factory that fired him and Dr. Manhattan from Watchemen, who killed rorschach. The comic is blending these two scenes together.
It doesnt. Its just shadow as an homage/tracing of the original comic, where rorschach has a black “smudge” on his head from taking off his black faced mask.
Its possible it was in the grace period, which is a designated time between non payment before a domain goes up for sale for the owner to true up and retain it.
It also possible the new owner (maybe the domain name service?) kept the dns address the same to resolve to the hexbear server. It would keep working, but the owner can break it at any time.
Depends on the era and whose writing him that day.
Yup, last update was march 2024.
Check out summit. It’s also deeply configurable.
Sync hasn’t been updated in 11 months counting. The bugs are adding up and the dev is more mia than ever, even when charging monthly fees.
I swapped to Summit a couple months back. It’s been a huge improvement. All of the “lemmy” issues I thought I had disappeared.
A lot of sprinting in those 7 miles too. Aint that many “long distance sprinters” for a reason.
Right? Personally I would just remember 1234 as the first 3 digits of the Fibonacci sequence starting on 1 as intended by Fibonacci and not 0 and also not using the 1,1 cadence common later + the 4th digit of the Fibonacci sequence - the first digit of the Fibonacci sequence.
Here’s a good example for Jellyfin that got me started with quadlets.
Note on the above: the jellyfin image has an ffmpeg bug in it, so swap to the official docker image in the config.
Its open source, so just one fork of it, the main one currently, is asshole controlled. Thats a solvable issue with built in mechanisms to do so, and i recall part of the community is working on it.
That doesn’t make wordpress any less federated.
Of course they are less evil, just stupid. They still think this is civil politics.
With an incredibly rare 60/40 senate majority, 59 dems wanted to vote for single payer, 40 Republicans did not. Only 1 dem/dino was with with them, and that was enough to fuck us.
Any of those 40 GOP seantors are as bad as the dems 1, so yes, having 40 bad things is worse than having 1 bad thing. Any of those GOP senators could have voted yes and done something good for once, but none did. In that vote, the dems fucked us 1 time. The GOP fucked us 40 times.
Our political system is fucking abjectly stupid though, and the 60 seat “do nothing” filibuster is maybe the worst invention in our politics. It gives outsized power to shitty, rural states, and now with partisan lines cemented, means we cant get fucking anyhting done, ever.
Fuck lieberman into the ground for his bullshit, but he was only the last issue with single payer happening.
Obama fucked uo by negotiating with the GOP for a full year, only to get 0 votes.
Ted Kennedy fucked it up by dying in that year, which allows the the state of Massachusetts to really fuck up by electing the GOP Senator version of truck nuts, Scott brown. That shitfuck was elected in 2010 to fill the seat till the next full term, and then lost in 2012. Massachusetts elected a GOP senator for 2 out of something like 50 years, just long enough for him to vote no on single payer. Massholes deserve a hearty fuck you for that.
That’s what made which made the shitheal Lieberman the swing vote. Also, to split hairs, he was an independent that caucused eith Democrats at time time, but basically literally a DINO.
The GOP still fucked us out of single payer, but thats to be expected. Dems just fucking stumps all along the fucking way let it happen.
Well, I spent a non zero amount of time trying to use the word “sluiced,” so I think mixing metaphors is probably accurate.
Sure, but that doesnt mean I want to mix its difficulty into code.
I like fried chicken too, but i don’t try to somehow add json to it, no matter how sexy those nested brackets get.
Good things dont all have to be sluiced together into a juicy pulp. They can be good all on their lonesome. I can “git gud” in dark souls and enjoy well documented, consistent IaC as well.
Ahh, I didn’t realize we had mixed some “git gud” dark souls shit into my devops.
But seriously, I’ll give your guide a look. Everyone should taste madness occasionally.
NixOS : no dudes, its not raw screeching madness, its great. Just great. So great. Please read these 17 guides that are outdated more every minute to get started. Also, dont read that guide. We don’t do that anymore, but there is no way for me to explain why unless you already know.
Ive tried NixOS three times now, and it hasn’t took. Has anyone written a sane guide to the current iteration yet?
Tango gameworks says hi. One of the few ever to escape this hell cycle, albeit painfully.
The just dripping irony of Microsoft praising the studio as making exactly the kind of excellent games it needs and then shutting the studio down suddenly will never be beat though.