I feel dumber after reading that.
What year is this? 2018?
Well, they’ve gone down in price to the point that they’ll be in people’s stockings. And getting immature with them is always fun.
Remember: they can also make a simply fantastical array of fart sounds. “Alexa: open Big Fart” is the magic phrase.
Smart of them to make their spying devices a loss leader. Get even more rubes to buy one.
seriously remember when these first came out circa 2014 and only wealthy people were buying them? Then Amazon saw what power they had in their hands recording all audio from within people’s homes, they brought the price down way low so even Neanderthals can have these now. Oh the spying possibilities!
Embrace, extend, extinguish
I set up a button that makes her say “fart” when I press it
Then a few minutes later she says “fart” again
My wife claims she doesn’t think it’s nearly as funny as I do, but I caught her giggling once
Imagine paying to get tapped. Never been fond of all these smart home gadgets, although I do love the features it offers. I’d buy one in a heartbeat if it wouldn’t be so privacy intrusive.
That’s why I went home assistant and then built my own “echo”.
It’s not as feature rich, and what it has takes work to setup. But it’s totally worth it for the security/privacy
Good news is that self-hosting with things like Home Assistant (home-assistant.io) , privacy-respecting open source smarthome stuff is becoming a lot more accessible!
Stuff that’s heavily encrypted that only you or your household can access.
It all stays local and belongs to the user, instead of relying on some monolithic tech-giant.
I just wish there was a better way to educate people about it, but there’s unfortunately billions invested in making sure people forget how technology works and waving shiny exploitative e-waste in front of them instead.
Meme where?