I love seeing people mention JPEG-XL in the wild, I wish it was implemented in more programs and websites too. JPEG-XL was always the superior image file format. I’m sorry if facts hurt the feelings of the webp-Kings, but them’s the facts. And I will dig my own grave on this hill. Good day!
Basically my intro to improved jpg is the Library of Congress Sanborn insurance maps. Either download and archive a 300MB TIFF or a 20 something MB JPG2000.
GIMP is a fine viewer for me, but it is incredible
I wonder which order of discovery would be the least preposterous for the two things to be connected: finding out about the exercise fad at my semi-weekly training sesh with Gary or getting the idea of giraffe ownership from today’s hot new animal imitation workout 🤔
You can either promote JPEG-XL or say yiff for the rest of your life. The choice is yours.
I love seeing people mention JPEG-XL in the wild, I wish it was implemented in more programs and websites too. JPEG-XL was always the superior image file format. I’m sorry if facts hurt the feelings of the webp-Kings, but them’s the facts. And I will dig my own grave on this hill. Good day!
There are dozens of us! !jpegxl@lemmy.world
JXL is fucking crazy good and I take Google’s decision to stand in its way personally.
Basically my intro to improved jpg is the Library of Congress Sanborn insurance maps. Either download and archive a 300MB TIFF or a 20 something MB JPG2000.
GIMP is a fine viewer for me, but it is incredible
y’peg shull
No thanks, I’ll just continue to pronounce the g in graphics correctly.
Nah, that’s the novelty exercise class I joined last Tuesday.
It’s also the training program for your exotic pet.
I wonder which order of discovery would be the least preposterous for the two things to be connected: finding out about the exercise fad at my semi-weekly training sesh with Gary or getting the idea of giraffe ownership from today’s hot new animal imitation workout 🤔
This is the way.
That is not how acronyms work tho.
It kinda is. Unless you have a REALLY good reason not to, you pronounce the letters in the same way as you would if you were saying the whole word.
There is no such reason in this case.
Gif stands for “graphics interchange format”, or a graphics card. You don’t call it a jraphics card or a yraphics card.
One problem: it’s Joint Photographic Experts Group, so by that logic, Jpeg is actually Jfeg… I agree with the pronunciation, but your logic is flawed.
jpeg extra large
¿Porque no los dos?